I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 61: , in debt

Chapter 61, Debt

Zhang Cheng yawned when he got home.

Even if he was in good health, he was a little sleepy after three rows for several hours, especially after a whole day.

She hurriedly showered and went to bed.

The next day, when Zhang Cheng woke up, Xiangxiang had already gone to monitor the TV series.

Zhang Cheng looked at the note left by Xiangxiang and ate the breakfast and lunch prepared by Sister Zhang.

Breakfast is too late and lunch is too early, hence the name "Breakfast Lunch".

While eating, Zhang Cheng suddenly heard a loud noise.

It seemed that someone was shouting something with that kind of electric horn.

Zhang Cheng listened for a moment.

"Yang Yu Yang Xue, pay back the money!"

"Yang Yu Yang Xue, pay back the money!"

Yang Yu Yang Xue?

The beautiful twin sister?

Speaking of this, Zhang Chengke got excited, and immediately finished the meal in two bites, wiped his mouth, and ran out of the house in a hurry.

Then I saw a dozen people gathered on the corridor of the unit where Yang Yu and Yang Xue lived.

Some were pulling banners, while others were shouting with a loudspeaker.

Very lively.

Among the aunts, aunts and uncles who were watching the fun, Zhang Cheng listened for a while and learned something.

It seems that it was an online store opened by sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue. The relative in charge of finance took the money and ran away.

All of a sudden, the upstream foundries came to ask for money.

There was a riot the day before yesterday, but unfortunately Zhang Cheng went to Kuoshan Village at that time and didn't catch up.

There were also people from the property beside him, who were helplessly standing beside him to avoid accidents.

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng scratched his chin, then went forward to find a debt collector.

"How much do you owe? You work so hard?"

It was a woman in her thirties. Hearing someone asked, she turned to look at Zhang Cheng.

"More than 170,000."

Zhang Cheng was a little surprised and owed a lot.

"Then you all owe so much?"

"Some are more, some are less, and the total is almost 1.6 million." The woman said.

Zhang Cheng heard the words and looked upstairs.

Yang Yu and Yang Xue's house seems to be rented.

So there is no such option as selling the house to pay back the money.

And it was so lively here that the two women didn't come down to say anything.

Is it really impossible?

Does that mean that his chance has come?

After all, normally, it's very unlikely that he wants to hold two beautiful twins together.

But if you have such trouble, you may not be able to give it a try, although it will cost a lot of money.

But for Zhang Cheng, he basically doesn't care about money at the moment.

It's just that Zhang Cheng had a hard time in the past, so he would be more frugal when faced with some situations.

The grade of the community is good, and the property is considered responsible.

These debt collectors were not really allowed to go upstairs.

So the two sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue can still hide for a while.

But looking at these debt collectors who swear not to give up until their goals are achieved, I'm afraid it won't solve the problem by hiding all the time.

The property owner knew Zhang Cheng, after all, he went in and out. So he didn't stop Zhang Cheng from going upstairs.

From the news heard downstairs, Zhang Cheng knew that the second daughter of Yang Yu and Yang Xue lived on the sixth floor.

After taking the elevator upstairs, there was a knock on the door of a house.

Soon someone opened the door.

"Is Yang Yu and Yang Xue at home?" Zhang Cheng asked.

"Across the door." The person who opened the door slapped the door angrily, and closed the door with a bang.

Zhang Cheng didn't care either, he turned around and knocked on the opposite door.

But after knocking for a while, there was no response.

Is it someone who is afraid of debt collection?

"It's me, Zhang Cheng. We got up early to exercise together before."

Soon, the door opened from the inside.

Yang Yu and Yang Xue opened the door in a panic, apparently because of a sudden accident, they had lost their minds.

"Can I go in?" Zhang Cheng said.

"Please, please come in." Yang Xue welcomed Zhang Cheng into the house, and then quickly closed the door, for fear of the debt collectors rushing in.

After Zhang Cheng entered, he found that the place where the two women lived was quite chaotic.

There are several hangers full of various clothes.

Obviously, the two women usually run live broadcasts and bring goods in addition to running online stores.

Zhang Cheng found a place to sit.

Yang Xue poured water over.

"You, what's the matter?" Yang Yu asked anxiously.

Zhang Cheng took a sip from the water glass, and then looked at the beautiful twins in front of him.

He still couldn't tell who was the older sister and who was the younger sister.

After all, although some twins have been born to the same mother successively, there are still some subtle differences, and they can still be recognized by careful judgment.

But these two are too similar.

Height, body shape, small mouth and small nose, almost like a replica.

"Although my next words are a bit of a robbery, I hope you can seriously consider it." Zhang Cheng said.

Yang Yu and Yang Xue looked at each other in dismay after hearing the words, what else could they think about each other?

"I can help you repay your debts and give you two sisters some more money, but I hope to be able to qualify with you two sisters." Zhang Cheng said.

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, her younger sister Yang Xue's face turned ashen.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

On the other hand, Yang Yu's expression was very complicated.

The two sisters believed in the wrong person and called their relatives from their hometown to help their sisters settle the payment for the goods, but they didn't expect the other party to be uneasy and kind.

He ruthlessly calculated the two sisters, and swept away the backlog of goods that had been deliberately accumulated at these times. Although the police have found the bastard, the money has been used by him to pay off gambling debts, loan sharks and the like.

For the two sisters, it was almost like a bolt from the blue.

"Can I, myself?" After thinking for a moment, elder sister Yang Yu revealed a decisive look in her eyes.

"Sister! We can make more money if we don't have any money!" Yang Xue looked at her sister in shock, how could she do such a thing.

Yang Yu gave a wry smile. It was because of her hard work that she became an online store that she knew how difficult it was to make money. In such a situation, without outside help, it is almost impossible for the two sisters to make a comeback.

The most important thing is that the online store has half of their parents' savings, as well as money borrowed from relatives and friends ~www.readwn.com~ which must never go out of business.

When Zhang Cheng heard the words, his heart softened, but thinking about missing this opportunity, it would be almost impossible to touch the beautiful twins in front of him again, so he hardened his heart.

"I can take a step back, and when you feel ready, let's play qualifying together."

Hearing this, Yang Yu frowned and sacrificed herself. She could call the shots, but she also had to catch up with her sister, which she absolutely did not want.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu gritted his silver teeth secretly and decided that in the future, if the big deal is to enter the factory to screw the screws and repay the money to relatives and friends, the online store will go bankrupt and forget it.

"Okay, okay!" Yang Xue suddenly agreed.

This made Yang Yu stunned and turned to look at her sister.

Yang Xue forced a smile.

Sister can sacrifice herself, how can she begrudge herself.

It's like being bitten by a dog.

"We owe a total of 1.57 million. You give the money first." After making a decision, Yang Xue simply asked for more money, lest Zhang Cheng refuse to accept the bill after eating it.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this. After adding a small letter from the two sisters, he transferred 2 million.

"This?" The two sisters couldn't help but be stunned when they saw that two million was in their hands.

Looking at Zhang Cheng, there was also a bit of disgust in his eyes.

This person, seems to be pretty good?

Yang Yu looked at Zhang Cheng.

"Since, since you've all transferred the money, let's do it today!" Longer pain is worse than short-term pain.

Yang Yu simply solved the trouble today.

There is nothing impossible for Zhang Cheng.

Hehe smiled, hugged the two sisters in his arms, and walked into the bedroom.

"Why are you still children??" Zhang Cheng said with a look of surprise after he really started to qualify.

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