I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 81: ,invitation

Chapter 81, Reception

He sent Zhao Shengnan to his side, while Zhang Cheng drove to the online shop studio of the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

In the online store, a few newly recruited female employees are busy, and Yang Yu and Yang Xue are also constantly contacting the foundry, purchasing on behalf of others, or purchasing some styles of clothes, or just looking at other people's online stores. , What style of clothes sells faster.

The online stores in the clothing industry have long lost the ease of previous years.

Especially after the rise of live streaming, the business of online stores has been greatly impacted.

More efforts must be made to maintain the traffic of the online store.

And even if Zhang Cheng bought the house, they also paid the wages of the employees and gave a lot of money, but the two sisters did not say that they would live in peace and give up the idea of ​​​​the online store they had operated for several years. This is not only It is their hard work, and it is also what they are good at and have made countless efforts.

So how could it be so easy to give up.

"Sister Yu, why don't we also bring the goods live?" A female employee suggested.

Yang Yu was silent for a while after hearing the words. Although they occasionally brought goods through live broadcast, the effect of the previous live broadcast was not very good, especially when they received some harassment, which made them a little resistant to live broadcast.

Zhang Cheng listened for a while and knew that this month Yuxueyifang, which is the online store run by Yang Yu and Yang Xue, has nearly 700,000 in turnover, but after deducting a series of expenses such as costs and drainage fees, the profit is only 10,000. 7.

If it was when the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, did it, then naturally it was nothing. Although it wasn't much, it was okay.

But now that there are three more employees, the 17,000 profit is obviously not enough.

So these days, Yang Yu and Yang Xue have been trying to find new profit points.

Is it to spend more drainage costs to get more customers, or to launch more kinds of clothes, or even sell clothes on live broadcast, and even no longer limited to clothes?

The two sisters were still a little hesitant. After all, it is not easy to open an online store now. If you are not careful, you may lose everything.

"Do you need me to help you find a source of supply?" Zhang Cheng said.

Good-looking and novel clothes are always in demand.

For example, some stars are wearing variety shows, or because of certain things, or even a short video, the Internet celebrity models suddenly become popular, it is even more necessary to take the lead.

After all, the time period for the popular and sought after popularity of the suddenly popular Internet celebrity models is basically not too long. If you can seize this opportunity, you can make a lot of money.

This is the main reason for having a stable supply.

In addition, quality problems, or serious discrepancies between the real object and the picture, make the return and exchange of the buyer's psychological expectations hit and other reasons, and the stable supply of goods is not an exaggeration to say that it is the lifeline of the online store.

Therefore, hearing that Zhang Cheng could help find the source of the goods, Yang Yu and Yang Xue's two sisters' beautiful eyes suddenly looked over, and there was some expectation in their eyes.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly and handed the ginseng wine to the two sisters.

"Here are some medicinal wines that I soaked for beauty and beauty." Zhang Cheng said.

"No, Brother Cheng, did you just say you could help us find a source of goods?" Yang Xue said expectantly, this man gave their sisters more than 20 million yuan, maybe he has some powerful connections or something.

"I'm not sure yet, I'll ask first." Zhang Cheng said.

Yang Xue nodded again and again, and even Yang Yu had some hope in his eyes.

Zhang Cheng smiled lightly, did not disturb the two sisters' business, gave the ginseng wine to the two sisters and left.

Zhang Cheng sent the last two bottles of ginseng wine to Qiqi and Lulu's residence.

The two girls are now at work, so Zhang Cheng didn't enjoy any benefits. After thinking about it, he simply called Mr. Yang Shuyang.

When Mr. Yang received a call from Zhang Cheng, he was quite surprised. Hearing that Zhang Cheng wanted to buy some clothes for his girlfriend's online store, he was a little bit ridiculous.

He owns a series of companies such as hotels, garment factories, pharmaceuticals, condiments, candy, and dairy.

Although he is not a sole proprietor, after all, in today's environment, eating alone generally does not have much development prospects, but he also has some say in each company.

So for such a trivial matter, do you still need to find him?

But thinking of the ginseng in Zhang Cheng's place, Mr. Yang laughed: "Xiao Cheng, then you have found the right person, come here, let's talk in detail."

Zhang Cheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and wanted to bring the two sisters with him, but after thinking about it, he decided to go over to see the way first.

When he came to the place where Mr. Yang was, it was already a little dark.

Here is a garden.

However, there are no fancy flowers or precious tree species, just a leisurely bridge and flowing water.

"It's a good place." Zhang Cheng praised.

Mr. Yang has already prepared meals in the pavilion in the courtyard.

Around the pavilion, there is glass that can rise and fall, and it falls just in this late autumn season to block the cold wind.

The classical Chinese style, combined with the current technology, is arranged without a trace of incongruity.

"Come and see my old man more if you like." Old Master Yang smiled softly while letting Zhang Cheng sit down.

"The relationship is good, as long as Uncle Yang doesn't bother me." Zhang Cheng sat down and saw the companion on the other side.

is a woman in her thirties.

She was wearing a red coat with nothing special, but her appearance was unexpectedly stunning.

"Who is this?" Zhang Cheng asked unexpectedly.

"This is my wife Jingyue." Mr. Yang said.

Mr. Yang is already in his sixties, this Jingyue is only in his thirties, and at most less than forty. A typical old husband and young wife, but with the wealth of Mr. Yang, this is not a problem.

"Hello, Auntie." Zhang Cheng greeted quickly.

Jing Yue smiled lightly: "Hello, I heard Lao Yang talk about you a long time ago~www.readwn.com~ You are young and promising."

"Come on, let's eat, let's chat while eating," said Mr. Yang.

There is nothing special about the preparation, Yuanyang Hot Pot.

One side is the bottom of the tomato pot, and the other is the spicy pot.

The side dishes are nothing but enoki mushrooms, vegetables, sliced ​​meat, fish and shrimp.

It's just a home-cooked meal.

This made Zhang Cheng a little relieved, because for a person of Mr. Yang's level, piling up valuable ingredients is for entertaining guests, and it is commonplace for people who entertain friends and close people.

What's more, he also brought his wife to accompany him.

I just want to buy some ginseng. Does the old man need this?

Zhang Cheng felt the pressure for a moment.

After all, this is going to borrow money from a friend with you. What you need is 50,000. I plan to ask this friend to borrow 5,000, and then find other relatives and friends to get it together, but I didn’t expect that this person gave 500,000 directly. Even 5 million.

Giving too much, exceeding the specification, is inevitably disturbing.

"I heard from you on the phone that your girlfriend opened an online store?" Mr. Yang took a piece of cabbage and rinsed it in the spicy pot.

"Yes." Zhang Cheng couldn't guess why the old man entertained him with such a high standard.

"That platform?" Mr. Yang dipped the cabbage in sesame sauce and took a bite.

Zhang Cheng was not polite either, he took a piece of meat and rinsed it.

"Wuhua's side."

Wuhua, one of the top online shopping platforms in China, is derived from the meaning of Wuhua Tianbao.

The total turnover last year reached 6 trillion.

Just a super giant.

Mr. Yang nodded when he heard the words. There are only a few platforms in China, Wuhua, Rare, Jiguang.

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