I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 82: , begging

Chapter 82, Suffering

"Then what's your plan? Just put in some clothes and make do with it? Or do you plan to develop it?" Mr. Yang Shuyang said lightly.

Hearing Mr. Yang's words, Zhang Cheng had a feeling for the over-standard reception in front of him.

Does this person want to cooperate with him?

No, although it sounds like a collaboration, it's a collaboration.

After all, Jinluo Garment, controlled by Mr. Yang, employs more than 130,000 workers.

More than ten kinds of OEM international and domestic brands. The powerful one is simply a mammoth. And Zhang Cheng is a little ant here.

So how could such a gap be cooperation? It can only be said that Mr. Yang's support for Zhang Cheng's side.

When Zhang Cheng heard this, he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Before he came, he just wanted to find a secure source of goods for the online store run by the sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

After all, it seems that there is an order, but there is no stock in hand, or the clothes sent out have a scary high defective rate, which will have a great impact on the operation of the online store.

It only attracted some customers because it cost a lot of money to attract traffic, but because of these problems outside the business, the customers are lost, and the loss is not a bit or two.

But if he cooperates with Mr. Yang, then Zhang Cheng can't predict what the online store will develop in the future.

Perhaps it will become one of the well-known domestic brands?

Of course, it is more likely that he is submerged in many clothing brands and has no name.

But it is obvious that as long as you agree to cooperate with Mr. Yang today, then you can't treat it casually.

Mr. Yang didn't rush, and let Zhang Cheng think about it.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Cheng made a decision: "I plan to make do with it and see the situation. If there is a possibility to develop it, then develop it. If it doesn't work, then just run the online store honestly."

Mr. Yang laughed: "Okay." He agreed very simply.

"Jingyue, please help Xiaocheng arrange the follow-up." Then he said to his wife next to him.

The beautiful woman in her thirties nodded, and nodded lightly with a smile in her eyes.

Although she didn't know the young man in front of her, she only managed to get some ginseng with good effect, how could she get her husband's attention, but she would not go against her husband's decision.

After talking about the business, the next thing is small talk.

Food, beautiful scenery, and some insights and insights from Mr. Yang.

Although trivial, Zhang Cheng's experience has increased a lot.

Zhang Cheng didn't go back in the evening and stayed in the garden.

The next day, Aunt Jing Yuejing brought Zhang Cheng to Jin Luo's office building in S City.

After making some arrangements, Zhang Cheng only needs to connect with Jin Luo's production department.

"Thank you, Aunt Jing." Although the other party was only eleven or twelve years older than Zhang Cheng, Zhang Cheng could only call him by the name of Mr. Yang.

Fortunately, Jingyue didn't care about this either.

At least not on the surface.

Without disturbing the other party too much, Zhang Cheng said goodbye and left.

Holding the newly released series of documents, Zhang Cheng clicked his tongue.

I was going to go back and show off to the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, to show their credit. If the two girls could unlock some new poses, it would undoubtedly be more perfect.

But just when Zhang Cheng was thinking about it, the phone rang.

She took it out and looked at it, it was an unfamiliar number.

How did he know that he had ginseng here and came to buy ginseng?

Connect, ask and talk.

"Zhang Cheng!"

The voice of Zhang Cheng's ex-girlfriend Qian Nannan came out.

Zhang Cheng was about to hang up the phone. After he bought two clothes for the ex-girlfriend last time, this ex-girlfriend developed some hysteria and felt that Zhang Cheng was still in love with her.

As if begging me, I will get back with you.

Zhang Cheng directly added this number to the blacklist.

Unexpectedly, she still didn't give up, even if she changed her phone number, she had to contact him again.

"What are you doing?" But after living together for almost two years, Zhang Cheng didn't put down the phone and was ready to hear what this guy had to say.

"Zhang Cheng, shall we get back together? Okay, I still like you." Qian Nannan pleaded bitterly. Before, she thought that Zhang Cheng was playing hard to get hold of, so she kept calm and didn't contact Zhang Cheng any more, but as the days passed, Zhang Cheng ignored her at all.

Only then did Qian Nannan panic.

"We are not suitable." Zhang Cheng calmly said.

Does he like Qian Nannan?


But not at all?

There is still a little bit.

Otherwise, why didn't Zhang Cheng find another girl.

But Qian Nannan is easily influenced by others, but in a peaceful life, he has to do something without trouble.

Can the person who wants to live in peace and quiet endure this?

Especially her best friend, who is very pushy, likes to compare, and likes to instill in Qian Nannan some poisonous chicken soup that she has seen from small letters and the media.

Any woman who gets married becomes a reproductive tool, any woman who gives birth to a child will definitely be finished, and if she becomes a yellow-faced woman, her husband will definitely cheat. All kinds of mess, annoying to death.

The lives of Zhang Cheng and Qian Nannan were full of twists and turns.

In the end, Zhang Cheng was tired, and Qian Nannan also felt that she should find a better one.

This is how we broke up.

And now Zhang Cheng has four daughters, Xiangxiang Zhao Shengnan, Yang Yu, Yang Xue, and two good friends, Qiqi Lulu.

I will never get back with this ex-girlfriend again.

Not only the appearance of the other party, but Zhang Cheng no longer likes it, and Zhang Cheng's personality is even more disgusting.

"What do you hate about me? Can I change it?" Qian Nannan begged.

Zhang Cheng's heart is very soft, but in other cases it will also be very hard. At least in the face of this ex-girlfriend's hard work and reconciliation, he has no intention of being shaken.

After all, once he agrees to this request~www.readwn.com~, it won't be long before he will be disturbed by the house.

Especially her best friend Sun Wenjiao, who was full of bad water and stepped on the downside. It's just disgusting. His mother opened the door and was home.

"Are you okay? I'll hang up if I'm okay." Zhang Cheng said.

"Zhang Cheng~" Qian Nannan was in front of Zhang Cheng before, but he had never made such a low profile begging. If there was any conflict between the two, it was always Zhang Cheng's apology that ended.

So Qian Nannan felt that as long as he lowered his stance and said a few soft words, Zhang Cheng would definitely forgive her, then reunite, and then she could enjoy happiness.

As for the woman who followed Zhang Cheng last time?

Go away.

Zhang Cheng stopped talking nonsense, hung up the phone, and added the number to the blacklist.

What was unexpected was that Zhang Cheng's cell phone rang again.

Looking at the phone, Zhang Cheng frowned.

Change the number?

He spent a lot of time on this number. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't really want to change it.

As for the choice of not answering the call, Zhang Cheng never thought about it, because he knew Qian Nannan's character very well. If he didn't answer the phone, this woman could make harassing calls for a day.

After thinking about it, Zhang Cheng answered the phone again.

"Zhang Cheng, please, get back with me! Okay, I still like you, I like you so much." Qian Nannan choked while crying.

"I don't like you." Zhang Cheng said.

If she had no money, would Qian Nannan make such a dress?

Is it possible?

How can it be.

It's not just that Zhang Cheng no longer has feelings for Qian Nannan, but also that this woman is here for money.

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