I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1127: Stop wasting time here

In addition to Di Long's anger value, there is also the anger from those other powerful people in the Eight Desolation Palace. Of course, these Qin Mo are not in the eye.

After all, Bahuang Temple and Chunqiu Sect were already deadly enemies. Although it was a cooperation this time, it was obvious that they were only opening this trial cave for cooperation. As long as they entered inside, a life-and-death battle would be inevitable.

"Don't waste time here anymore, let's open this trial cave now!" Guan Xing couldn't see it anymore, he immediately said.

Everyone nodded their heads, only to see that the five martial emperors were standing in front of this trial cave, and at the same time they raised their hands. Before the five people's energy began to flow into this cave, this one was a low-level trial cave. , Waiting for the strong below Wudan realm to enter,

Qin Mo was in it, and this time it was a group of strong people who entered, as long as they entered it, they would be scattered.

No one knows where they will be teleported to.

After the people here entered, the five Wudi went to the side to open the high-level trial cave, allowing the people of Wudan realm to enter it.

"Fairy Song Wen, I heard that an unworldly genius named Ziyue appeared in your July Palace, right?" I only heard Lu Mingdao at this time.

"You Tianyizong has only appeared a genius called Quan Prison Tong. It is said that his martial arts spirit is extremely rare, and it can be strengthened by you, even surpassing ordinary earth-level martial arts spirit!" Song Wendao.

"Huh, what are you people? We, Juntaro Koizumi in the Eastern Region, but with the Eight-Different Snake Spirit, your people will only become food for Juntaro's Wuhun!" Kinda Ichiro from the Eastern Region immediately sneered. Tao.

Everyone was a little annoyed at the same time. The people in the East Ying domain were really arrogant and troublesome. They had never considered other domains, but the Righteous Alliance would allow such people to join. It really didn't have eyes!

Qin Mo entered this trial cave, and he could find that there was a moon above it, and there was darkness around it, but there were really a lot of spirit grass here.

"Ding, turn on the copy mode!"


"The target of locking this dungeon is Transformation Grass, so from now on, the treasure chests collected by the host and the things that are opened will mainly be Transformation Grass!" the system replied.

"Wori, no!" Qin Mo was startled, he saw a lot of treasure chests around him.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the silver treasure chest. It takes 90 seconds to open!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 12 metamorphoses!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the golden treasure chest..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 23 metamorphoses..."


Qin Mo was a little depressed. He actually collected treasure chests here. Nine out of ten were transformed into grass. What kind of drama is this?

Is there any Wang Fa?

However, this day has allowed him to collect ten treasure chests, which is also the largest number of treasure chests he can collect in a day.

Qin Mo has now opened 200 treasure chests. In the early hours of this morning, the treasure hunter level will be settled. He should be able to increase one level. However, now that Qin Mo treasure hunter level increases, he will not give him special treasure chests, but will To give him the key and find a special treasure chest, he can only rely on himself.

"Ding, collected special treasure chests, slapped treasure chests!"

"Slapped the treasure chest?" Qin Mo was very surprised. Where is the treasure chest around here?

"The treasure chest is detected some distance behind the host, please judge by yourself!" the system replied.

behind? Qin Mo closed his eyes, unfolded the mental power map, and found that there was a moving treasure chest behind him.

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