I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1128: I'm here to help you

Qin Mo can no longer open other treasure chests around here, but he can collect this special treasure chest, Qin Mo has not collected this special treasure chest for a long time, now he must get this!

Qin Mo directly spread his wings and flew behind him.

At the same time, there was an unexpected situation in that high-level cave. The warriors of the Eight Desolation Palace, without knowing what method they used, were able to gather together, and they even directly cleaned it here!

Here in the high-level cave, there is a huge sacred tree. I don’t know how many years it has grown. The sacred tree is ten meters wide. Now, there is a person nailed to it. The body of these people is nailed to the sacred tree with weapons, and the blood is constantly flowing out. And from the twitches they emit from time to time, we can know that these people are still alive!

These people turned out to be the strong men and elders of the Spring and Autumn Sect.

"Master Ti Long, it seems that a few fish slipped through the net and escaped!" A human being beside Ti Long.

"What's the rush? Play slowly, I want to see how many people can survive this time in Spring and Autumn Sect!" Di Long's eyes were full of hatred, "It's a pity that Qin Mo is not here, otherwise, I He will definitely let him taste this feeling too! But it doesn't matter, there is another person here, I heard that he is Geng Qiu's son!"

In front of Qin Mo, here was a monster.

A fifth-level monster, the existence of Martial Pill Realm level, this monster is a tiger, its body is protected by scales, and there are three warriors in front of it.

These three people seem to be from Dongying, and behind them are strange martial spirits, one with an extremely long neck, like a monster's martial spirit, a woman with a very split mouth, and one with an extremely long nose and wings on the back. People, these all seem to be martial souls, and they are all martial souls with strong strength.

Qin Mo thought for a while. The martial spirits of these Dongying people seem to be very similar to those monsters in Japan. Are they just those monsters in Japan?

Whether it is or not, Qin Mo doesn't care now, because now Qin Mo has seen the treasure chest on the head of the blue tiger.

Qin Mo stood by, sat down, took out a table, and drank tea while watching the three blue tigers.

"Bage, Qin Mo, what do you want to do? You can't help us yet?" one of the Dongying people immediately said loudly.

"Why is this young master here to help you?" Qin Mo waved his hand. "Have you forgotten that we are competitors? If I don't kill you now, you should thank me!"

This time, in addition to Qin Mo, there were geniuses from the three major empires and some high-ranking martial arts.

As for the snarling dog, of course it can't come in.

This low-level trial cave can only accommodate existences whose strength is below the Wudan realm, and cannot contain those above the Wudan realm. The Sky Dog is even worse!

However, in this low-level trial cave, who was Qin Mo afraid of?

Even if everyone here joins hands, Qin Mo is not worried, but he has a hole card that can destroy the Martial Pill Realm.

Now seeing the three people from the Eastern Region fighting against the monsters here, of course Qin Mo... won't make a move.

How troublesome it is to take action, it is better to sit down and watch them perform. When they are finished, it is time for Qin Mo to take action.

How could these three people in the Eastern Kingdom imagine that Qin Mo would have such a shameless idea, they just wanted to quickly slay this monster beast, so that they would be able to obtain this inner alchemy, here the monster beast The inner alchemy can make their strength rise very quickly!

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