I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1163: How can you...

But at this time, a figure appeared in front of Fan Fei, only seeing that person's palm stretched out, and the dragon qi directly hit Qin Mo's palm.

"Stupid, you actually want to use your body to resist my attack? Even the fourth-level monster of our dragon clan, it is impossible to use your body to resist my attack, it is extremely stupid!" Long Shan laughed.

But when the dust settled, everyone saw that Qin Mo was already standing there, he didn't move half a step at all, and his arm didn't mean to be injured. The attack just now didn't hurt him at all!

"How...how could it be?" Longshan's eyes widened, his eyes full of incredible colors.

"Dare to take action against our Highness? You are probably looking for death!" Only the voice of the snarling dog came.

Roaring Sky Dog opened his mouth and surprised all the dragons, even Longlian was shocked.

What happened to this black dog?

"Oh -" I only heard a huge red fire dragon suddenly appearing in the air, it was the real fire of Li Yan.

Seeing this real dragon of refining rock appeared, Longshan was scared in a cold sweat. This is a real dragon!

The momentum alone can overwhelm Longshan, let alone strength.

After all, this is a real dragon, but it is completely different from that ordinary dragon.

"Really... Lord True Dragon, why are you here?" Long Shan quickly said.

"This is the lord of my house, you offended him, what do you want to do?" Lianyan Zhenlong said coldly.

Up to now, the real dragon of Refining the Rock also admires Qin Mo. He knows that Qin Mo has a very strong strength, and he is not bad for him. Qin Mo's talent is even more superb, and he is already half-step martial arts. In the Dan realm, he didn't want to let go of the opportunity to hold Qin Mo's thigh!

Although the real dragon in the rock said so, Longshan still couldn't accept it, and the dragon became the servant of mankind?

Impossible, their dragons are the strongest creatures, how can they be tamed by humans?

"You have discarded the dignity of our dragon clan, you are not worthy to be a member of our dragon clan!" Na Longshan roared loudly after hearing the words of the real dragon.

"Abandon the dignity of the dragon clan?" Qin Mo walked forward and said lightly, "What do you mean?"

"You are a weak human being, you are not qualified to be the owner of our dragon clan, you..." Na Longshan didn't finish speaking, only to see that the Sky Dog has become a huge black dog.

Roaring Sky Dog stared at that Longshan with a pair of eyes, and said: "His Royal Highness, can I take this dragon away?"

Qin Mo was stunned by the words of the Sky Dog. He remembered that the prototype of the Sky Dog was Teddy, known as the existence of everything.

Qin Mo waved his hand and said, "Go, don't let it come back!"

"Okay!" said the Sky Dog, biting Longshan's neck with one bite, and Longshan's huge body was dragged directly into the cave by it.

Then, a series of strange screams came out.

"what are you doing……"


The voice was getting smaller and smaller, and Qin Mo didn't seem to hear it at this time. His gaze looked at the five dragons in front of him. Under the dragon power of the real rock-refining dragon, the bodies of the five dragons lay directly on the ground. Can't raise his head at all.

Seeing these five dragons, Qin Mo's eyes were filled with excitement, and he muttered, "With so many dragons, which one should I start to swallow?"

what? The five dragons here were shocked when they heard what Qin Mo said. What was Qin Mo just talking about? Swallow them?

What a joke, they are dragons, how can humans swallow them?

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