I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1164: Oh? You do not know?

After hearing this, Real Rock Lianlong's eyelids twitched, but he didn't dare to say anything, but Qin Mo at this time said: "Now I ask you a question, whoever doesn't speak, then don't blame me for being polite. , Said, three months ago, did you catch a girl and a fire dragon?"

"I...I don't know!" the dragon said quickly.

"Oh? You don't know? Then it seems that I can only swallow you first!" Qin Mo said, biting on the dragon's neck.

"What? What are you doing? Stop...no, stop!" The giant dragon couldn't believe that Qin Mo really wanted to eat it.

Fan Fei and Long Lian were also taken aback, Qin Mo turned out to be serious, he really wanted to swallow the dragon!

There was a panic of fear in the heart of Zhenyan Zhenlong at this time. What on earth is this highness going to do?

The dragon's body is huge, this giant dragon is five meters high, and its neck is also very thick, but Qin Mo bit it down, and the dragon blood rushed into Qin Mo's mouth.

Qin Mo didn't stop, he started to drink dragon blood. This kind of action seemed very terrifying to the dragons present.

But for Qin Mo, he didn't feel any guilt at all. Since these giant dragons wanted to kill him, if Qin Mo's strength is weak today, he might be the target of the massacre.

But now, Qin Mo is strong enough, so he can change it, who kills whom?

"Don't...no...no..." Qin Mo's dragon blood was swallowed up by Qin Mo, and the Dragon Swallowing Art in his body had already started to operate. Qin Mo felt that his realm seemed to be breaking through, his Dragon Swallowing Art was also breaking through. It seems that it has also improved, but after all, this dragon swallowing art has reached the top grade of the heavenly rank, it is still a bit difficult to make it go further.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Mo is very rude, not only the dragon blood, but also the dragon pill!

Qin Mo caught the dragon pill and bit it down.

The dragon pill, which was hard in the eyes of other people, was immediately shattered under Qin Mo’s teeth. The sound of Qin Mo chewing on the dragon pill was crisp and unusual. The dragons present watched Qin Mo drink the dragon’s blood. Eat Long Dan, very quiet, no one dared to speak.

After Qin Mo finished eating the Dragon Pill, there was still dragon blood remaining at the corner of his mouth. Qin Mo said, "You should also tell me now? Where is my maid?"

This scene scared the dragons here.

"Three months ago, a girl and a dragon were indeed caught here!"

"Yes, yes, I also remembered, that fire dragon, but receiving the sacrifice of the fire dragon god, that girl is about to be executed!"

"That's all we know! Please let us go!"


These dragons have already begun to beg for mercy. Qin Mo's methods are too terrible. They drink dragon blood and eat their dragon pills. How can they accept it?

Of course, Qin Mo would naturally not let them go, only to see that he drank the dragon blood of the remaining dragons, and then the dragon pill was also swallowed.

Long Lian had no way to care about this kind of thing, and of course she didn't want to care about it. After all, Qin Mo was not wrong in doing this.

After all, if these dragons leave, then there will definitely be more powerful dragons sent there, and the two of them will be unable to resist.

After Qin Mo finished this, he came to see Fan Fei.

Fan Fei's injury was not too serious. Qin Mo only gave him a little pill, and then helped him to treat it, and he had recovered seven or eighty-eight.

What surprised Qin Mo was that Fan Fei showed signs of a breakthrough.

The physique of this Super Saiyan is also amazing! Can this be a breakthrough?

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