I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1166: There are special treasure chests all over the floor

This time sneaking into Nalong Island, of course, is not playing, Qin Mo will be more careful.

"In another three days, it will be the time of the Holy Moon Festival. I think you will pass by that time. In this case, the dragons will also gather on the Holy Moon altar, and the dragons stationed around will be compared Usually it’s 90% less!" I only heard Long Lian say.

Qin Mo shook his head. He said, "No, I can't wait. My maid will be executed tomorrow, so I have to save her!"

"Shoot tomorrow?" Long Lian was a little surprised when she reached Qin Mo, but there was no other way. Since Qin Mo has made this decision, what else can she say? Qin Mo can only do it.

Qin Mo now has two platinum treasure chests and one gold treasure chest. Because there is a fusion treasure chest, Qin Mo intends to store the platinum treasure chest. The two only use gold treasure chests. The gold treasure chest opened is a talisman, quickly Symbol, a symbol that can greatly increase the speed.

It seems that if you run away, you can still do it!

Qin Mo had already planned to enter Long Island that night, and it was obviously more suitable to enter Long Island at night than during the day!

Although in the eyes of Sky Dog, what Qin Mo did next, whether it was day or night, did not make much difference.

There are many guards around Long Island, but when Qin Mo and others approached at this time, they didn't even conceal the meaning.

As soon as the dragon saw a few people, it rushed over!

"Who are you? Report your name..." Before the dragon had finished speaking, he heard a cold voice appearing behind it.

"This dragon should taste good!" The Sky Dog opened his mouth and swallowed the dragon directly into his stomach.

"Let's go, Roaring Dog, Xiao Hong, you separate and make trouble, don't love the fight, Fan Fei, you go collect your ambergris, and I will save people by myself!" Qin Mo ordered.

"Yes!" The three creatures responded at the same time.

Let the snarling dog and the real dragon make trouble, which can attract a large number of powerful dragons to take action, and this will also give Qin Mo a lot of time.

Qin Mo decided to save people by himself, as long as he didn't appear a Wudi-level opponent, he could still assassinate with confidence.

But for Fan Fei, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult, but now this is the best way to do it separately. Although it is dangerous, the opportunity is greater!

Several people also immediately agreed. The real rock-finding dragon had already flew, and a flame spurted out from his mouth. The large forest had been lit up. Although it was a dragon, it was not born on this dragon island. Island has no feelings either.

On the contrary, Qin Mo helped the real rock-finding dragon to make a breakthrough. This was the greatest blessing to it. The real rock-finding dragon really respected Qin Mo.

The Roaring Sky Dog is even more rude. He roared directly in the air, and then said: "Hand over all the females of your dragon race, Lord Dog, I will spare you!"


Qin Mo sighed, if he regained his glory, would he also be a beast like the Sky Dog?

As soon as this thought appeared, Qin Mo shook his head, Nima, he didn't have the ability to kill Teddy, whether it was male or female!

Now that he stepped on this dragon island, Qin Mo immediately received the prompt.

"Ding, found a special treasure chest, a dragon egg treasure chest!"

"Ding, found a special treasure chest, a dragon blood treasure chest!"

"Ding, found a special treasure chest, a keel treasure chest!"


Qin Mo received a total of 15 messages, all of which were special treasure chests. Qin Mo was surprised, happy and angry.

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