I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1167: Nima, how come there are so many special treasure chests here?

Nima, how come there are so many special treasure chests here?

According to Qin Mo's understanding, there are so many special treasure chests here, probably because the aura here is too strong.

The place where the aura is stronger, the more likely a special treasure chest will appear. There are fifteen special treasure chests here, which is too much.

However, being able to become a dragon island will naturally be the place where the dragons are strong. There are so many dragons here, it is not difficult to imagine how abundant the aura here will be.

According to the hint, the special treasure chest farthest from Qin Mo seemed to be thousands of miles away.

This Dragon Island can't be seen, it is so big!

No matter what, Qin Mo still collects the special treasure chest here first.

Dragon skin treasure chest, dragon blood treasure chest, keel treasure chest, dragon meat treasure chest, dragon tail treasure chest, dragon whip treasure chest, dragon claw treasure chest, dragon scale treasure chest, dragon horn treasure chest, dragon muscle treasure chest.

There are a total of ten special treasure chests here. After Qin Mo collected these treasure chests, he got a new reminder.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting ten special dragon treasure chests and achieving the achievement, dragon hunter!"

"Ten treasure chests can collect all the dragon bodies killed by the host at the same time. They can only be collected when the host kills them. The merged treasure chests will be counted among the treasure chests opened by the host. Will they be merged?"

In other words, even if this one treasure chest combines ten treasure chests, it is counted in the treasure chest opened by Qin Mo. Qin Mo has already started 261 treasure chests, plus these 10 treasure chests.

If you don’t merge, you need to open them one by one. Of course Qin Mo doesn’t want to. Qin Mo immediately said, "Yes!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Dragon Slaying Treasure Chest!"

Dragon Slaying Treasure Chest, as long as the dragon clan killed by the host, it will be sealed in it. The fourth-level dragon clan can get 10,000 dragon slaying points, the fifth-level dragon clan can get 100,000 dragon slaying points, and the sixth-level dragon clan...any dragon clan killed by one. , Can be included.

As long as you kill the dragon, you will be able to not even leave the body!

This is a good thing to destroy the dead!

Qin Mo's heart was overjoyed, and it seemed that he could start slaughtering the Dragon Race now!

Qin Mo can no longer obtain other treasure chests today. He can only collect new treasure chests after twelve o'clock. Qin Mo goes in one direction. The current Qin Mo does not know the layout of this dragon island, but It doesn't matter if you don't know, Qin Mo can ask the dragon!

This dragon island is full of aura, so the trees and various insects here are very large, such as the mantid monster the same size as Qin Mo, Xiaoqiang with the face plate, half-human toad...

These are of course monsters, and Qin Mo dealt with them unceremoniously.

Qin Mo soon encountered the first giant dragon. This giant dragon was chasing a deer-shaped monster. The monster was not weak, and it was able to escape from this giant dragon. Obviously, this monster beast should possess quite powerful strength, at least it is already a level four or even a level five monster.

On this dragon island, even the level five monster beasts must be used as food for the Jackie Chan clan. After all, they cannot fly at all, nor can they leave this island.

This deer turned blue all over and looked very special. Qin Mo suddenly remembered that among the five medicinal materials he was looking for to turn him back into a real man, wouldn't there be this one?

Qingming antler!

That's right, this is a fifth-level monster, Qing Minglu!

That’s great, it’s really worth it to not waste any effort!

Qin Mo thought, only to see a loud noise. The dragon had already swept its tail towards the Qingming Deer. The horn of Qingming Deer had pushed its tail to one side, and it was swept away by itself. Get out.

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