"Even if you want to stop it, it's too late now!" Liu Wu laughed, only to see that the flesh and blood of his body seemed to be drained, his body became skin and bones, and dozens of figures appeared around him.

These figures look like phantoms, and it seems that they are the souls here!

"Invader, do you dare to enter our Hanwu Emperor's Mausoleum? Do you want to die?" one of the elderly souls said.

"This is the imperial tomb of our Han Wu Kingdom. Any invaders, kill at all costs!" said another warrior wearing a crown.

"Do it!" said the third soul.

These souls have already rushed towards Qin Mo, but at this time, Qin Mo showed a faint smile on his face and said: "Since you are all here, then we will let you dance in the imperial tomb!"

No one understands what Qin Mo means, but at this time Qin Mo has already taken out the piano, with a smile on his face: "Today's music is the coolest national style of the legend of the little chicken, I am not afraid to tell you, My first dream was to be a musician!"

Everyone didn't understand what Qin Mo was talking about, but at this time Qin Mo had already begun to play.

"The boundless horizon is my love~"

"Flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills~"

"What kind of rhythm is the most swaying~"

"What kind of singing is the most happy~"

"The crooked river comes from the sky~"


Qin Mo's series of singing voices were full of heroism and passion, and those souls actually began to dance here.

That's right, this is the same type of score as Little Apple, and the effect is similar, indiscriminately dancing!

The souls here began to dance, they couldn't control themselves at all.

"What? Why did I dance?"

"Me too, I can't control myself at all!"

"As soon as I heard this song, I couldn't help but shake my body!"


The powerhouses of the Hanwu imperial family here, they are now shocked and puzzled, how could they have imagined that Qin Mo could have such a special ability.

"This song, I can't help but dance!" Shuang'er said.

"But I haven't learned this kind of dance!" Qing Chang looked confused.

"I'm just a dog!" Roaring Sky Dog stood up on his hind limbs.

Not only these powerful people in the imperial tombs, but even the people on Qin Mo's side, have to dance.

The Liu Wu who was already dying had to get up and dance at this time.

However, it can be seen that the souls here dance in the imperial tomb, which is still quite scary.

But if it was just like this, it would be Qin Mo, and there was no way to deal with the imperial tomb powerhouse here.

But Qin Mo had the experience last time, and of course this time it was no longer the same as before.

The mouth can't be stopped, the hand can't be stopped, but Qin Mo still has a martial spirit!

Emperor Yan!

A huge fire man has appeared, and when this fire man appears, the face of the soul here is full of fear.

"Do not--"


A loud noise appeared, only to see that the soul of one of the strong people here had been blasted, the body was shattered, and it was reunited again.

"It's useless, no matter how strong your martial soul is, we still have immortality in this imperial tomb!" The soul laughed at this time, "I pretended to be scared like this, what do you think?"

After Qin Mo heard it, he threw a golden coffin out. As soon as the golden coffin opened, strong suction flowed out of it. Only when he saw that the soul in front of him was immediately sucked in by a huge suction.

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