I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1221: How could it be in your hands

"How is it possible? Isn't this Linglong Coffin of Heaven and Earth? How could it be in your hands, no..." The soul let out a cry of exclamation, and then he was sucked into it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully acting on the soul and getting 100 points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully acting on the soul and getting 100 points!"


"Ding...shock value +300!"

"Ding...shock value +300!"


The souls here are beginning to be scared, because this exquisite coffin of heaven and earth can contain them all!

How could this treasure be obtained by Qin Mo?

This golden coffin is a treasure named Tiandi Linglong Coffin in this world, but in Qin Mo's eyes, it is a treasure chest that can collect souls. As long as the souls that have been defeated by Qin Mo can be included.

There are a lot of souls here, I don’t know how far this treasure chest can grow after receiving all of them?

"Ding, collect Wuzun realm souls and get 10,000 soul points!"

"Ding, collect Wudan spirits and get 100,000 soul points!"

"Ding, collect Wuzun realm souls and get 10,000 soul points!"


"Ding, the Soul Treasure Box was successfully upgraded, and it is currently a Crystal Treasure Box!"

This time the souls were swallowed one by one by Qin Mo's soul treasure chest. When Qin Mo finally conquered, he received 900,000 soul points.

However, it was one million less than a Wudan realm soul, which made Qin Mo a little headache.

Qin Mo finally stopped the singing. The people breathed a sigh of relief. They felt that they were falling apart, especially the one Liu Wu. He had used the secret method to summon the ancestors, but he was already half dead. Stop, he immediately fell to the ground.

"You...what kind of monster are you?" Liu Wu couldn't understand how Qin Mo did it. It's too bad, this music can make his ancestors dance.

"I am the Prince of Qin, Qin Mo!" After Qin Mo finished speaking, he slashed towards Liu Wu.

There is no need to waste time dealing with such a person!

"Ding, collect Wuzun realm souls and get 10,000 soul points!"

It turns out that you can get soul points by killing a living person!

But now it seems that there are no other souls, so I can only find the dragon vein treasure chest first.

"Master, can we not use this method next time? This...this dance makes me too tired!" Fan Fei said, even if you fight against a martial emperor realm powerhouse, it is better than doing this dance.

Others also agreed with Fan Fei's words.

"Don't worry, next time, I will remind you first!" Qin Mo replied.

And next time?

The faces of everyone are a bit weird.

King Hanhua was convinced this time, and Qin Mo was too powerful. This time, the Hanwu Kingdom was really over!

But at this time Qin Mo continued to walk towards the tomb.

In addition to the large coffins here, Qin Mo saw that there were a lot of statues here, besides, there was actually a...snake!

A golden snake, right in front!

"Ding, the dragon vein treasure chest is found, and the level of the dragon vein treasure chest is detected to be at the crystal level. The opponent has the strength of the peak of the Wudan realm. Please judge whether the host can accept it!" the system prompts.

"Nima? No? The system is a scam? You mean this silver piece is the dragon vein treasure chest?" Qin Mo was startled.

"Yes, this dragon vein is about to be promoted. If you don't meet the host, Hanwu Kingdom is already qualified to become the next empire!" the system replied.

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