"Wang Ze branch master, what we want to know now is not this matter, what we want to know is how the situation of Sect Master Cen is now, we can't contact Dongzhou!" Qin Mo said again.

"This..." Wang Ze hesitated.

"Hallmaster Wang Fen, did something happen to Brother Cen?" Geng Qiu asked quickly.

Wang Ze nodded and said: "We have received news that Sect Master Cen is now in danger, but they are besieged by the Demon League and are at stake!"

"What?" Qin Mo and Geng Qiu were shocked at the same time when they heard these words.

"Wang Ze Branch Hall Master, what is going on in the end?" Geng Qiu said immediately after only hearing it.

"We don't know the specific situation, but we have received news that there seems to be a dragon power to help the demon league, and there are also many half dragons there. If we want to be in this scene If you win the battle with the Demon League, you must first let these dragon people leave the battlefield!" Wang Ze said.

"You mean, want me to go there?" Qin Mo understood Wang Ze's purpose.

No wonder Wang Ze will give him face like this!

No wonder Wang Ze ignores Beixuan!

No wonder Wang Ze is so polite!

It turned out that Wang Ze wanted him!

But, that's it? Want to beg him to take action? ! !

Just kidding, if Qin Mo would shoot if it was so easy, he would still be Qin Mo?

"Master Wang Ze, I don't think I can help you in this matter!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"What?" Wang Ze's expression changed when he heard it.

Wang Ze hurriedly said: "No, Qin Mo, I have heard that you have a relationship with Long Dao. I believe that if you make a move, those dragons will definitely listen to what you said!"

"Although I am the Chinese Dragon God in Dragon Island, ordinary dragons will listen to me, but the journey from here to Dongzhou is far away, I'm afraid..." Qin Mo sighed and said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Wang Ze’s face showed joy. Although he didn’t know what Qin Mo meant by the Huaxia Dragon God, he should be very powerful. He immediately said, “Don’t worry, we are ready to transmit here. It will allow you to reach Dongzhou easily!"

"Oh? But if I don't have any identity, I'm likely to be bullied. You know, there are too many villains like Bei Xuan..." Qin Mo said with a depressed expression.

"As long as you are willing to go, and you can help people in Dongzhou, I promise you can become the chief of Dongzhou!" Wang Ze said immediately.

"Dongzhou Grand Commander? Hall Master Wang Ze, aren't you kidding me? Do you think I'll be such a fool?" Qin Mo said in a bad mood.

"Of course not, Lord Qin Mo, we in Dongzhou can nominate one person to become the head of Dongzhou..." Wang Ze explained, but after Qin Mo heard it, his face was a little weird.

"In this way, the leader of Dongzhou is recommended by the various branches of Qingyuntang as the leader? Besides me, there should be others!" Qin Mo replied after hearing this.

Wang Ze didn't expect Qin Mo to think so deeply. What Qin Mo said is true. There is only one leader of Dongzhou, but each of the ten Qingyuntang branches recommends one person. As for who can become the real one. Great commander, I'm afraid it depends on the situation. One is strong, the other is brilliant, the third is leadership, and the fourth is special abilities!

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