I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1243: Special treasure chest, cursed treasure chest

Of course, the most important thing is the first one. As for the next few, even if the general leader himself does not have this ability, it is enough that he has such a capable person!

"In this case, I still feel that I haven't benefited!" Qin Mo sighed.

"This...Let's do it, Ba Zi Qin Mo, if you are willing to go there, I can give you this treasure!" He only heard that Wang Ze said, handing over a bracelet in his hand.

"Ding, found a special treasure chest, curse the treasure chest!"

"Curse the treasure chest?" Qin Mo looked at Wang Ze's bracelet in surprise.

A trace of distress appeared on Wang Ze’s face and said, “I got this treasure by accident from a tomb. Although I don’t know what it does, it must be a good thing. If you get it, it may be useful to you. !"

"You don't know what it's good for, so give it to me? Do you think I'm willing to accept it?" Qin Mo looked reluctant when he heard it, but his heart blossomed with joy. What is the cursing treasure chest? He knew immediately.

Cursing the treasure chest, from the moment you get it, what the host says will likely become a curse. The more the curse is completed, the faster the cursed treasure chest will be upgraded. The more advanced the cursed person, the more difficult it will be to curse successfully. The time limit is ten days!

It turned out to be such a curse!

Qin Mo understood when he received this prompt, how could it be a bit like a crow's mouth?

Qin Mo said this, although Wang Ze felt a little unwilling, but he had no choice but to say: "Well, I will send someone to send one hundred eighth-order primordial stones here. I hope that Qin Mo will not have any more Other requirements!"

One hundred eighth-level primordial stones were indeed not a small number. If Qin Mo got one, it would not be difficult to improve his realm.

Of course, it would take about half a month to absorb the aura inside.

Qin Mo was naturally willing, and he sighed and said, "Wang Ze Branch Master, you look down on me too much. Am I such a person who values ​​external objects? This time, I will definitely take action!"

"..." Wang Ze.

"This time, it's about the safety of our Sect Master Cen! How can I die?" Qin Mo said again.

"..." Geng Qiu.

Qin Mo was already impassioned: "And this time, it's not just about our safety, but also about our righteous alliance, and everyone's affairs. The Demon League is raging in our East State. How can I ignore it?"

If they didn't know what Qin Mo had just said, the two would really think that Qin Mo was such a person with a sense of justice.

But now, there is only one thought in their hearts: Is this person too thick?

"Since you have decided on Qin Mo Bazi, you will leave the matter to Bazi. I don't know when Bazi will go to Dongzhou?" Wang Ze asked.

"When do I need to go to Dongzhou?" Qin Mo asked.

"Of course the sooner the better!" Wang Ze replied.

"If I leave here, I wonder if Spring Autumn Sect will be in trouble?" Qin Mo did not answer directly, but continued to ask.

Qin Mo's words, Wang Ze naturally knew that Qin Mo was worried that someone would take action against Chunqiu Sect while he was away. Wang Ze immediately assured him: "Don't worry, I will take care of the matter here!"

"Well, in this case, if you have the words of Wang Ze Branch Master, then I can rest assured!" Qin Mo replied.


"I will go now!"

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