"These people are all descendants of your dragon clan, but unlike you, they are dragon people!" Qin Mo replied.

"Dragon people?" When the dragon king heard it, he immediately understood that these dragon people, but dragons and other monsters, and even the offspring born of humans, have dragon blood in their blood, but they are different. , It is very difficult for these dragon people to survive. If they can really survive, they are talented.

However, the previous Dragon Island did not accept the dragon people because they believed that the blood of the dragon people was not pure.

This is also a very headache for the Dragon King. He is different from those Dragon Kings. What he sees is the great potential of the Dragon King!

If the dragon people can return to Dragon Island, that would be a good thing for Dragon Island!

Dragons are inherently obscene, and the ghost knows how many dragons have left their descendants on the mainland. If these dragons all return, the strength of Dragon Island will definitely grow a lot.

But the Dragon King couldn't help it, because these Dragon Kings and pedantic dragons refused, but it prevented him from carrying out this thing.

Of course, the most important thing is the people of the Tianlong tribe to stop it, because the people of the Tianlong tribe feel that such a hybrid with impure blood is not qualified to return to Dragon Island.

But it's different now.

The Tianlong tribe was almost annihilated by Qin Mo. Even the remaining members of the Tianlong tribe could not become a climate and could no longer compete with the Dragon Emperor.

And the news of Qin Mo now was a happy event for the Dragon Emperor.

"Lord Dragon God, I don't know where these dragon tribes are now?" The Dragon Emperor said a little anxiously.

This group of powerful dragon people has caused the Dragon Emperor to lose his attitude, he said.

"Dragon Emperor, everyone is so familiar, and I won't say anything else. I found these dragon people this time, but it took a lot of effort. Tell me, how do you return me!" Qin Mo said directly.

"Back...return?" The Dragon Emperor was taken aback. If you want to know about this kind of thing, no one dared to ask him directly. Now this Qin Mo is really the best!

"Why? Don't you want to return? Dragon King, don't you think that this dragon **** wants to do you a day job, right?" Qin Mo heard this, his tone changed, "Do you want to taste this dragon **** Is Long Baodao powerful?"

Qin Mo’s words are already considered a threat. If others say that the Dragon King will slap him to death with one claw, but now it’s Qin Mo who said it, he can only smile bitterly: "Lord Dragon God, you worry too much, I There is no such meaning, but I don't know what you want, Lord Dragon God?"

"It's nothing, just give me dozens of tenth-order primordial stones!" Qin Mo replied.

"..." Dragon God wanted to curse after hearing it.

Qin Mo opened the tenth-order primordial stone, but dozens more? Why don't you grab it?

And the most important thing is that even if it’s Dragon Island, it’s impossible to come up with so many tenth-level primordial stones. That’s a good thing on top of ninth-level primordial stones. Even if it’s his Dragon King, he needs ten He was able to absorb the elemental power in it only in the first year, and after he had absorbed it, his realm could go further.

Dragon God could only compromise with Qin Mo, and the two began to discuss the quantity of Yuanshi.

There is one tenth-order elementary stone, 20 nine-order elementary stones, and a pile of other elementary stones. I thought that a certain amount of elementary stones would be exchanged for the chance of these dragons coming back to Dragon Island.

This time the Dragon Emperor was bleeding heavily, but for the Dragon Emperor, this was still a good thing.

After all, there are quite a few Wudi strongmen among the dragon people, and Long Aotian is even the fourth-tier existence of the Wudi realm. These powerful existences, if they join Longdao, are no small forces.

For these dragon people, it is worth it.

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