But Dragon Emperor didn't know that this time, Qin Mo was the most profitable one.

The dragon people don't even know that Qin Mo has already sold them, and they are still counting Yuanshi for Qin Mo!

"What does Lord Dragon God want to say to Lord Dragon Emperor? How do you look at his appearance, full of helplessness and depression?"

"Lord Dragon God must have paid a great price, otherwise how could this be?"

"Lord Dragon God has been wronged too much for us!"


Many dragon people were speaking for Qin Mo at this time, but they were only blinded by Qin Mo's "pain", "wrong", "depressed"... all kinds of complicated expressions, and it was impossible to know what was going on inside.

Of course, Qin Mo didn't intend to let them know that Qin Mo had already dispersed that soundproof barrier.

Qin Mo walked down from the altar, and Long Aotian and the other dragons immediately walked over nervously: "Lord Dragon God, how are you talking about this matter?"

A look of helplessness appeared on Qin Mo's face, and he sighed for a long time: "Hey..."

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Long Aotian and others changed drastically. Could it be that Qin Mo was unsuccessful this time? Didn't they have no chance to go back to Dragon Island?

If this is the case, they are really a bit depressed and desperate.

"Lord Dragon God, even if you can't succeed, we won't blame you!"

"Yes, Lord Dragon God, you have tried your best to help us, we have all seen it!"

"Dragon Island won't let us go back, and we are not rare!"


The dragon people began to comfort Qin Mo.

When other powerful men saw Qin Mo's expression, they also "guessed" it. This time, Qin Mo didn't convince the Dragon Emperor, but it was the first time they saw anyone who dared to talk to the Dragon Emperor like this.

"Everyone, you are wrong. This time, although I paid a heavy price, I still fulfilled my mission and asked for an opportunity for you!" Qin Mo finally said.

"What?" When everyone heard it, their faces were surprised. What was Qin Mo talking about? He asked for a chance for the dragons? What opportunity is that?

Everyone looked at Qin Mo with curiosity and surprise.

"This time the Dragon Sovereign finally agreed to the Dragon Clan to go back to Long Island!" Qin Mo said again.

The dragon people have a feeling of reaching heaven from hell. What's the matter? What did Qin Mo just say?

Can the dragon people go back to Dragon Island?

is this real?

Many dragon people feel like dreaming.

"Lord Dragon God, are you... are you serious? Can we really go back to Dragon Island?" Only the voice of Long Aotian was heard.

"It's true, don't worry!" Qin Mo said lightly.

Suddenly, Long Aotian knelt down with a "puff", he knocked three times at Qin Mo, and said loudly: "Thank you Lord Dragon God for your grace, I am willing to work for Lord Dragon God in this life!"

It is simply a great blessing to be able to let the dragon people go back to Dragon Island!

Many dragon people also knelt down and shouted: "Thank you, Lord Dragon God, for your grace, I am willing to work for Lord Dragon God in this life!"

This time, Qin Mo let the dragon people come back to Long Island again. This is not a big deal to others, but this is the lifelong hope of the dragon people to return to Long Island and become a member of the dragon family!

This is like acknowledging the ancestor and returning to the ancestor in China!

The gratitude of these dragon people to Qin Mo is naturally unusual!

"Ding, collected 150,000 points of faith from Long Aotian!"


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