I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1364: Let my men fight with you

But even so, it is absolutely impossible for a petty person like Qin Mo to forgive Ge Shu.

Now if Ge Shu didn't kneel, how would Qin Mo let Qingyuntang go?

It might not be easy to get Ge Shu to kneel. Di Sheng thought for a while. He had no choice but to say, "If this is the case, let's do this! Little friend Qin Mo, you send one of your men. If you get rid of it, then I will Let Ge Shu kneel down and apologize to you. If I get rid of it, then forget it!"

"Okay!" After Qin Mo heard it, he immediately understood that this is probably because Di Sheng wants to find a step down.

But if this is the case, then he naturally wants to give him a chance, Qin Mo said indifferently: "In this case, I will let my subordinate, Xiao Bai, stand up and fight with you!"

From Xiaobai?

When everyone heard these words, their eyes fell on the person next to Qin Mo, only to see this person under the armor, no one could see him at all.

Bai Qi held a sickle in his hand, his eyes were black holes, and only two rays of light appeared in the black hole at this time.

"Well, in that case, let's do it!" A blue cloud appeared behind Di Sheng, his martial soul turned out to be a cloud!

"Xiao Baiqi, you must be merciful and don't kill the chief hall master!" Qin Mo's voice came.

However, after hearing Qin Mo's words, everyone present felt quite confused, Bai Qi was so strong? Especially the disciples of Qingyuntang, there is still a hint of anger in their eyes. This is the hall master of Qingyuntang. I don't know how powerful his strength is. Qin Mo said that, didn't he underestimate him?

The current Qingyun Hall Master Di Sheng felt a hint of anger. Even if there are many strong people around Qin Mo, his strength is not average. It may not be easy to think of him as Bai Qi, his martial spirit can make his body style And the speed is extremely fast, how can other people be his opponents?

Di Sheng had already sat on the blue cloud, only to see the blue cloud, he was continuously spraying blue mist and attacking Baiqi.

Bai Qi's body didn't even move, allowing the green mist to rush towards him.

Boom boom boom...

A series of shocks hit Bai Qi, and Bai Qi and the ground were covered by this white mist.

"I thought how strong his subordinates are, but now it seems that his subordinates are nothing more than that!"

"He can't even dodge, he doesn't want to die, right?"

"He has already lost!"


After seeing the surrounding Qingyuntang disciples, their faces showed disdain.

Ge Shu was also very happy. It seemed that he didn't have to apologize to Qin Mo this time.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mo showed a sneer on his face. If Bai Qi could be defeated so easily, what qualifications would he have to be a martial ancestor-level puppet?

When the cyan fog dissipated, everyone only saw that man had appeared in front of them, and this man was just white!

The attack of the blue cloud just now showed signs of injury at all.

This made the people present feel quite scared.

Qingyun Martial Soul is a special martial soul, its power and combat effectiveness are unknown, and no one knows how it will be shot, unless it is someone who has fought with him, Di Sheng's current shot is quite special, and his attack methods are also other. Unheard of.

But this time, he met the wrong opponent, because the one in front of him, but the existence of Martial Ancestor level, and the body of this puppet, it seems that ordinary people can not imagine.

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