I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1365: At least now this Qingyun Martial Spirit is attacking

At least now, this Azure Cloud Martial Soul attack can't hurt Bai Qi at all.

So when Bai Qi reappeared at this time, everyone felt quite shocked and surprised, Bai Qi was not hurt at all!

how is this possible?

If this is the case, it would be too ridiculous!

This body, even the monster beast at the peak of Emperor Martial Realm, is probably not comparable!

Di Sheng is very clear about his strength. Even if his attack is at the peak of the Emperor Martial Realm, he may not be able to resist it. But now, Bai Qi is not injured at all. How strong is this Bai Qi body!

"Who are you?" Di Sheng's eyes fell on Bai Qi, his eyes full of shock.

"Of course he is my subordinate. Let's do it, let Qingyun Hall Master know how our strength is!" Qin Mo ordered, only seeing Bai Qi's body move, he has rushed towards Di Sheng, and the giant sickle in his hand Split in front of you.

At this moment, Di Sheng's hairs stood up, and his sense of threat made him feel fear!

A cloud of blue mist immediately formed under Di Sheng's feet, trying to hide it, but in the next second, a blade of light appeared in front of him.

The blue mist emitted by Di Sheng has no concealment effect at all, and the opponent's attack can still pass through the blue mist and reach him!

The blue mist around Di Sheng immediately formed a defense, turning into a blue mist, like a layer of armor, but at this moment, the blue mist shattered, and Di Sheng flew upside down.

too strong!

Di Sheng's heart was shocked, that Bai Qi attack was much stronger than he had imagined, and Bai Qi had only shot once from the end!

Even so, Di Sheng has already lost this time!

The people present also saw it at this time. Bai Qi only used one move and Di Sheng had already lost. Ge Shu's expression changed drastically at this time. He knew what it meant. When Di Sheng lost, he wanted to ask Qin Mo. Apologize!

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"


"Impossible, Chief Hall Master, did you deliberately let go?" Ge Shu said a little angrily, "You obviously won't lose to him, why do you do this?"

"Ge Shu, you are too presumptuous!" Hearing these words, Di Sheng's face changed drastically, and his face became very ugly.

When Ge Shu said this, Di Sheng had lost face, and Di Sheng was a little angry.

Ge Shu also knew that he had made a mistake, but if he were to kneel down now, how could he be willing?

But now it’s not his turn to be unwilling, Qin Mo said indifferently: "Palace Master Di Sheng, I am not a person who is not forgiving. The old man just needs to kneel down and knock me ten or eight. I won't hold my hate!"

"..." Everyone was silent for a while.

Nima, isn't this called reasonable and unforgiving? What is it called?

But Qin Mo said so, who would dare to refute him?

At this time, Ge Shu found that Bai's eyes were already staring at him. If Ge Shu dared to say no to kneel now, I am afraid that next, the giant sickle will greet him.

"Ge Shu, since you did this to Master Qin Mo just now, then you should apologize to him!" Di Sheng said immediately.

apologize? This word rose up in Ge Shu's mind, and now everyone's eyes are locked on him. If you don't apologize, there is only a dead end.

Qin Mo wouldn't let him go, even the chief hall master Di Sheng would abandon him for the entire Qingyun Hall.

Ge Shu had to kneel down, his eyes looking at Qin Mo were full of viciousness.

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