I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1369: It's okay, I'm here

"It doesn't matter, with me, no matter what it is, I will get rid of him!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"Elder Qin Mo, do you really want to go there?" Cen Qing asked quickly after hearing this.

"Of course, do you think I was joking?" Qin Mo replied with a smile.

"No, I didn't mean it, but I don't know what is there. If we go like this, it would be too dangerous. Why don't I go and notify Master first!" Cen Qing said quickly.

"If you don't win, isn't it just a place to **** martial arts? What's to be afraid of!" Qin Mo waved his hand and said, "Let's go now!"

Obviously there is a secret in that place. There is a treasure chest of martial arts there. Naturally, it is impossible for Qin Mo to let go of this treasure chest. As long as it is a treasure chest, Qin Mo believes that he can also get this treasure chest. Then, as long as the treasure chest is in hand, even Di Sheng When it comes, Qin Mo will not hand it over.

Although Cen Qing was a little scared, Qin Mo had said so, and she had no choice but to take Qin Mo over, but she still informed Di Sheng secretly.

This mountain is called Soul Eater Mountain, and it is full of mysterious and weird atmosphere.

Because here, as long as the person who enters it, the spirit will be swallowed, but the person who swallows the spirit will not die, it will only make the strength drop severely.

A martial artist of the Martial Emperor Realm level, if he loses his martial spirit, his strength is estimated to be about the same as that of the Wu Zun realm. If he loses two realms at once, no matter who he is, he will go crazy.

Now Qin Mo and others walked in here, but Cen Qing found that apart from her, no one else was worried.

This is not surprising, because apart from Cen Qing and Qin Mo, none of them have martial spirits.

Needless to say, Xiao Bailong, she is an immortal, can Wuhun eat things like this?

Wangcai and Sky-snarling Dog are both monsters with tyrannical bodies, while Fan Fei is a dragon, considered a half-headed monster, and also has no spirit.

Qin Mo had too many spirits, and every spirit was a very powerful existence, but Qin Mo still lacked a heavenly spirit!

Qin Mo has a tenth-level martial soul, and there are two more pre-level martial souls, but Qin Mo does not have a heaven-level martial soul. If he encounters an opponent with a heaven-level martial soul, Qin Mo will still suffer.

Regardless of Qin Mo's current strength and a variety of methods, for the martial artist, the martial soul is the most critical combat power.

Qin Mo knew about this when he saw Mo Yue, so for him, possessing a Heavenly Martial Spirit would make his strength grow a lot.

Although Qin Mo wanted to obtain this martial soul treasure chest, after they entered this mountain, they never noticed anything strange here.

"Ms. Cen Qing, you are not mistaken? We have been walking for so long, why haven't we seen something that can swallow a martial soul?" Qin Mo frowned.

"This...I don't know!" Cen Qing is still a little scared. If her martial soul is swallowed, her strength will drop greatly. How can she not be afraid?

"His Royal Highness, something is coming!" The Roaring Sky Dog said suddenly.

Something coming?

As soon as Qin Mo raised his head, he saw only a bat appearing in the air. That bat was no more than the size of the palm of his hand. The whole body was pitch black, but his eyes were scarlet red. It looked very strange, and he saw it at this moment. Qin Mo and others immediately rushed over.

"Stop!" Qin Mo immediately said loudly when he saw it, "Do you know who this young master is? Do you dare to come and shoot me?"

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