"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully reloading the treasure chest and getting the reload value of 1000!"

After Qin Mo received this reminder, his face was a little weird, and he forced the treasure chest to succeed? Can you act on treasure chests? The system is too great for you!

The bat really stopped. It stared at Qin Mo with a pair of red eyes, and then suddenly pounced on Xiao Bailong.

I only saw Xiao Bailong scream at this moment, and then cried: "Don't come and bite me!"

Boom boom boom...

Several water dragons appeared out of thin air and blasted towards the bat. Although the bat was powerful, it was still knocked out. It seemed a bit incomprehensible. It couldn't even feel the spirit of the little white dragon. What's the matter?

The attack of the little white dragon couldn't hurt it, but it was impossible for it to absorb Martial Soul!

It is also impossible for the other two monsters to have martial spirits, and only Qin Mo and Na Cen Qing are left!

"Master, be careful!" Fan Fei said, and he rushed towards the bat in front of him.

Fan Fei's fist hit the bat, feeling as if he hit a rock, it was useless at all, and after the bat was knocked into the air, he would not be injured at all.

"Hi!" The bat let out a weird cry and rushed towards Qin Mo.

"It is detected that the host has the ability to conquer the martial soul treasure chest, please use the Devouring Gate to conquer the martial soul treasure chest!" The system prompts.

Nima, is this martial soul treasure chest so difficult?

Cen Qing's face changed drastically at this time, and she tightly grasped Qin Mo's arm, making her face pale with fear.

How could she not be afraid of such unknown things? This is something that can devour her martial soul, if even the martial soul is sucked away, she doesn't know what will happen to her.

Qin Mo smiled faintly: "Don't worry, but it's just a little bat. This young master has a way to conquer it!"

"Do you have a way to subdue him?" Upon hearing these words, Cen Qing's face showed joy, "Is it true?"

"Fan Fei, give way to my young master, I'm going to start acting...No, I'm going to start to subdue it!" Qin Mo said loudly.

Cen Qing is actually a little worried, why hasn't Di Sheng come now?

The bat won't let this opportunity pass, it has already pounced on Qin Mo, and when it flew over, there was a strange cry.

But at this moment, Qin Mo showed a disdainful smile: "Since you are coming to die, don't blame me for being rude!"

After Qin Mo finished speaking, he only saw a black door appear above his head. As soon as that door opened, the black bat was immediately sucked into Qin Mo's Devouring Door.

"Ding, collected the Martial Soul treasure chest!"

The martial soul treasure chest can swallow the surrounding martial souls, and it must be the masterless martial soul. The martial soul treasure chest has been fused with the Devouring Gate. If you swallow a level 1 martial soul, you can get 1 spirit value, and a level 2 spirit can get 5 For point martial arts value, level 3 martial spirits can get 10 martial soul points, and level 4 martial arts can get 50 points...

A prefecture-level martial arts spirit can get 100,000 martial arts points, and a heaven-level martial arts spirit can gain 500,000 martial arts points. If the Gate of Devouring gets 10 million martial arts points, it can directly grow into the world's first martial arts spirit!

Qin Mo's heart jumped wildly, this martial arts treasure chest is very troublesome to collect, and if it is replaced by another person, it is estimated that it will not be able to subdue it. After all, no matter what attack it is, this bat cannot be injured. But now, it has been subdued by Qin Mo. .

And according to the situation of this martial arts treasure chest, it can collect other martial arts, and then strengthen Qin Mo's Devouring Gate martial arts.

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