I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1392: What happened?

Immediately afterwards, the huge bear was shocked to take a step back, and everyone saw that one of the arms of the huge bear disappeared!

What happened?

The hearts of everyone shook violently, this bear, but the Great Earth Bear Martial Spirit, is a territorial martial spirit, and its combat effectiveness on the ground is very powerful, but now it has suffered such a big loss!

Qin Mo felt that his martial soul was also affected, but after the gate of Devouring dimmed for a minute, it became brighter again.

Part of the Martial Spirit of the Great Earth Bear just now was swallowed directly by the Gate of Devouring!

Qin Mo can still tell this point. The power of the Devouring Gate is indeed much stronger. Now the Devouring Gate is already a heavenly martial spirit, even if Qin Mo has not fully utilized its strength, but With its own power, it was already enough to suppress this giant bear.

In this case, if you don't pretend to be forced, how can you be worthy of the name of the king?

Qin Mo sneered, "Old guy, you seem to be the protector of the Righteous Alliance, right? This young master is not afraid to tell you that you offended this young master today, so there is one less protector of the Righteous Alliance!"

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"


This time Qin Mo's pretense was quite successful in conjunction with the appearance of the Devouring Gate. The Qingyuntang disciples here could see that Qin Mo's martial soul was really extraordinary.

Each of Qin Mo's martial souls seems to be very powerful. Few people have seen this Devouring Gate, but they can tell that the power of this Devouring Gate is indeed terrifying!

"It was just my carelessness just now. This time, it won't be anymore!" Xiong Nian said angrily, and the giant bear's arm that had not been seen grew out again.

After all, it is a martial soul, not a monster, nor a human body. It is still easy to regenerate.

The spirit possession, especially this huge form, is different from the body of the human deity receiving the spirit possession. In this size of one hundred meters, the Xiong Nian’s body is only a part of the giant bear’s body, or It's in the head, or in the heart of the giant bear.

Qin Mo's martial soul swallowed one of its arms, and it could naturally grow out again.

However, this consumes a lot of soul power. Once the soul power is exhausted, after you truly step into the realm of Emperor Wu, the vitality in your body will be sublimated, and then you can grow into real soul power, and even before that, you can cultivate yourself. The soul power that comes out can only belong to pseudo soul power!

The stronger the martial soul, the stronger the soul power will naturally be. Of course, the elemental power can also be used as the soul power, but in terms of quality, it is a bit worse than the soul power!

Qin Mo felt that regardless of the spiritual power, elemental power or soul power in his body, it was pure energy, and it might be able to merge them into one!

Of course, the current Qin Mo just thinks about what he has to do now, but first get rid of the guy in front of him, Qin Mo's vitality starts to drive the Devouring Gate crazily, only to see the Devouring Gate begin to grow bigger .

This is the first time Qin Mo has encountered such a powerful opponent. Qin Mo dare not underestimate the opponent. If he wants to fight, he must fight with all his strength!

The gate of Devouring rose to a hundred feet in an instant, and it was no worse than the giant bear.

"Your martial arts spirit is good, but unfortunately, your strength is too weak, and there is no way to use its true strength!" Xiong Nian sneered, and its foot hit the ground, and the terrifying impact suddenly hit the ground. All shattered.

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