I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1393: you're old!

However, this shock hit the Devouring Gate, and the opened Devouring Gate seemed to be able to **** everything into it. This shock was actually swallowed by it.

This is too scary!

Xiong Nian still didn't believe it. He only saw that his pair of bear paws had been raised high, and when he patted him, two huge bear paws blasted in front of him, and the gate of devouring was trembling in an instant.

"Is this martial spirit going to disperse? Elder Qin Mo's realm is still too low!"

"If that's the case, then he will lose!"

"If Elder Qin Mo is a few years away, he may already be able to enter the Martial Emperor Realm, and if he fights again at that time, he may not lose!"


The disciples of Qingyuntang talked that although the year of the bear is the general guardian of the righteous alliance, the people here will not buy it. Qin Mo is the elder of their Qingyuntang. If Qin Mo suffers in front of the year of the bear, it will be for them In fact, there is no benefit, and it will even be underestimated.

Now that Qin Mo's Devouring Gate has become like this, the disciples of Qingyuntang are also a little worried. It is estimated that Qin Mo will really lose!

"You are still too young, kid, today I will let you know how big the gap between you and me is!" The year of the bear slammed into the gate of Devouring with a palm, only to hear a loud noise. .

These loud noises shook the eardrums of the people around them. This giant bear is indeed powerful, and it is able to perform such an attack!

If the Devouring Gate suffers two or three more attacks, it will probably be smashed immediately. With the martial arts gone, Qin Mo will naturally lose!

"Old guy, don't you know that youth is my greatest capital? You, old!" Qin Mo's voice came, his voice full of disdain.

you're old? Qin Mo actually said, Xiong is old?

Although the age of Xiong Nian is not young, it is normal to cultivate to this level at this age, and for warriors, especially the strong emperor, who has a life span of nearly a thousand years, how can it be said to be old?

Qin Mo still made Xiong Nian very angry when he said this. He said, "Ignorance kid, go to death!"

"You have lived for so long, and you only have such strength. In this case, this young master will let you know what is a real genius and what is a real strong!" Qin Mo sneered and said loudly.

When the people around heard this sentence, they felt like Qin Mo was yelling "I'm going to pretend!"

The gate of devouring opened wide, and this punch of the giant bear did not blast on the gate of devouring. Instead, the huge suction force pulled the arm of the giant bear in an instant.

Xiong Nian's heart was very anxious. He felt that if his arm was sucked in, the whole person would probably be sucked in.

This is terrible, this kind of thing must never happen!

The Year of the Bear began to struggle, and everyone could see that the eyes of this giant bear were full of panic, as if they were afraid of something.

"Master, Elder Xiong seems to want to escape, but he can't escape!" Cen Qing said in surprise.

Di Sheng's eyes were also full of horror at this time. He said: "That door, it seems that it is not just a ground-level martial soul, this door is too powerful, it should be a heaven-level martial soul!"

Even Di Sheng had to admire it. This is a heavenly martial soul. It is estimated that in the entire continent, there will be no more than one hundred people with a heavenly martial soul. As long as they possess a heavenly martial soul and never die, they can become One side strong!

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