I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1403: He still wants to kill!

But now it seems that Qin Mo didn't care about such things at all, he still wanted to kill!

"You guys, do you regret it?" Qin Mo's gaze fell on the other four people. These four people were in the same group as this one Chen Xiao, and they had already seen it, and now Chen Xiao had ended.

Qin Mo really dared to kill people, and he still killed Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao's status is higher than them and the strength is stronger than them. However, it ended up like this. It is conceivable that if they did the same, the consequences would be. What will happen!

They will definitely die!

Qin Mo will never let them go!

When they thought of this, they knelt down immediately and said, "Master, please, we know what we were wrong, please don't take action against us!"

"Ding, the regret value collected from Emperor Wu's realm is 100,000 points!"


The few young masters here are all at the Martial Emperor Realm level, which makes Qin Mo's regret point already collected 500,000.

The regret chest has also been promoted, and Qin Mo feels very comfortable. In this way, as long as he collects the regret points of some Wudi realm powerhouses, the regret chest can also be promoted.

Of course, there is still cheaper to take!

"This young master is asking you, do you regret it!" Qin Mo said viciously, and another sword pierced Chen Xiao's shoulder.

"Ah—" Chen Xiao let out a scream, his heart was very depressed, you asked them, what do you do to stabb me? If you want to poke you, poke them!

"I regret it, we regret it, please let us go, Master!" These people quickly begged for mercy.

"Oh, since you all regret it, then the young master will let you go!" Qin Mo said.

"Thank you young master, thank you young master..." When these people heard Qin Mo's words, they were immediately grateful.

But at this time Qin Mo continued to say: "You guys, let yourself be abolished!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the expressions of these people solidified. They didn't expect Qin Mo to be so ruthless, that they would let them abandon their cultivation!

If this is the case, aren't they going to become useless?

"If you don't want to abolish your own cultivation, you can go to death!" Qin Mo's voice became even colder, and the eyes of the Sky Dog and Wang Cai were fixed on these people. They didn't dare not listen to Qin Mo's words.

These four people gritted their teeth and self-defeated and cultivated...

"Now only you are left!" Qin Mo's gaze fell on the man now, Chen Xiao!

"No, don't kill me--" Chen smiled with horror on his face.

"This young master, I don't know if I can look at my face and let him spare his life?" A beautiful woman walked over and everyone saw that this was Murongfen. Although this woman was stubborn and self-willed, it was undeniable. Yes, she is indeed a beauty!

But at this time Qin Mo only answered one word: "Get out!"


Someone dared to treat Murong's people like this. This word is surprising, and this is Murongfen. She is most famous not for her beauty, but for her unruly willfulness!

"Miss San, save me!" He only heard Chen Xiao and saw Murongfen appear, and he was immediately happy, as if he could be saved if only Murongfen appeared.

Qin Mo treated her like this, but it made her very angry. She pointed at Qin Mo and cursed: "I am a member of the Murong family. Do you dare to talk to me like this? You..."

"My master told you to go! Are you deaf? You look good, but unfortunately you are deaf!" Qin Mo shrugged.

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