What about beautiful women? Qin Mo had seen a lot of beautiful women, more beautiful than this Murongfen, even if he was moved, Qin Mo had not acted, so this Murongfen appeared here, but Qin Mo was not moved at all.

Isn't it just a woman?

He looks good, but he is deaf?

The people around them were also taken aback when they heard Qin Mo's bold and arrogant words. Murong's family was one of the five major families in Tianque City, with a very powerful presence behind them. This kind of family is not so offensive!

This young master is really awesome!

"You... if you dare to kill him, I will let you die!" Murong Fen was angry. She is the third young lady of the Murong family. Which man would dare to talk to her like this? Isn't that looking for death? Qin Mo is doing this now, but it makes her face too much.

Murongfen didn't care too much about Chen Xiao's life and death, but if she wanted to lose face, she would be uncomfortable!

"Then you can see clearly!" Qin Mo said, his sword thrust into Chen Xiao's heart.

"This friend, wait a minute!" A figure stepped over, only to see a man in gold silk and silver robe coming out. This man exuded domineering aura between his gestures. You can know that this man is definitely not. Ordinary people.

Probably a member of the royal family!

The seven dynasties are all around the city of Tianque, and if they can become a dynasty, they must have a very large area. Their princes will be sent here to experience, so in the city of Tianque, there are many people from the royal family.

This one in front of Qin Mo was one of them.

Seeing the appearance of this prince, everyone present was startled. How could this prince appear here?

Murongfen was also stunned, Xia Yan, how could this guy come out now? What she thought of, she immediately said: "Xia Yan, do you want this Scarlet Flame Scale Tiger, too?"

"This Scarlet Flame Scale Tiger is so handsome, I want it, and there is nothing wrong, right?" Xia Yan showed an elegant smile, ignored Murongfen, and walked towards Qin Mo.

"You should stop, go one step further, I don't mind killing one more person!" Qin Mo said.

"Hehe, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time!" Only Xia Yan smiled.

"Who are you?" Qin Mo frowned. Someone interrupted during the killing. It was really not a good thing, and judging from his appearance, he would definitely not come to stand on his side.

And listening to what Murongfen said, this Xia Yan might also be directed at the Scarlet Flame Scale Tiger. Thinking about it this way, why doesn't Qin Mo know what he should do?

"Me? Friend, you don't even know me?" Xia Yan asked a little surprised after hearing Qin Mo's words.

"First, you are not yet qualified to be my friend, and second, what are you, I need to know your name?" Qin Mo said so arrogantly, it shocked everyone present. jump.

You must know that the current prince Xia Yan is likely to inherit the Xia Dynasty and will be a prince at that time. Even if he is a righteous alliance, he will have to give him some face. Now Qin Mo has offended him with a word.

What a crazy boy!

Qin Mo's age is too young, such a young person is still so arrogant, is he arrogant because of his youth and ignorance, or does he have the arrogant ability?

A sneer flashed in Murongfen's eyes. Qin Mo was going to die. He even dared to offend Xia Yan. Even if he offended one of his own, he also offended Xia Yan. Isn't this provoking Xia Chao's majesty?

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