I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1419: But they all died in the end!

"Many people said this, but they all died in the end!" Qin Mo replied.

The reason why Qin Mo came here was not to trouble Zhou Le, but to make Zhou Le trouble him, so that Qin Mo would logically... grab the scroll.

No, it is a reasonable request for compensation from Zhou Le.

Zhou Le said, "Go and kill him!"

People from the Zhou Dynasty immediately rushed towards Qin Mo. There were indeed a lot of people from the Zhou Dynasty, and they immediately surrounded Qin Mo.

"People of the Zhou Dynasty, I really didn't want to have any disputes with you. As a person, I always treat people with courtesy. Didn't you force me to take action by doing this?" Qin Mo sighed.

Qin Mo looked at the sky with a long sigh: "My giant spirit **** does not want to make a move. After all, God has a good life. If I make a move, I will definitely see blood. This is not what I want to see!"

Giant spirit god? Isn't this young man called Qin Mo?

When everyone heard Qin Mo's words, they looked at Qin Mo with a little doubt, but Qin Mo's appearance was really confusing, and everyone present was bewildered by Qin Mo's words.

After all, Qin Mo is a person who has Fudge Dafa. Flicking is easy, but these people are a little surprised when they see Qin Mo's expression.

"Unexpectedly, there would be such a benevolent person in this world!"

"He is really too kind, if only this world were such kind people!"

"It's really pitiful for someone like him to die here!"


"Ding... pretend to be worth +"


Qin Mo's words can fool the surrounding people, but for those who have resentment and purpose towards him, it has no effect. After all, the realm of the strong here is already so high.

These people have already rushed towards Qin Mo, but after all, these people are only subordinates of the Zhou Dynasty, and how strong they can be, being able to reach the Martial Pill Realm is not bad.

Qin Mo dealt with this kind of person, one punch was enough!

"Bang!" The Wudan realm expert in front of Qin Mo was shattered with a punch.

"Hey, why do you need to force me to take action?" Qin Mo sighed, then blasted out with another punch.

Another person was blown away, and a third person was blown away.

Although Qin Mo said compassion, his hands didn't mean to be merciful.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight...

The powerhouse of the Zhou Dynasty was not Qin Mo at all. Fan Fei had two opponents of monsters, and these people were quickly wiped out.

"Qin Mo, you dare to kill people here?" Zhou Le said coldly, "Do you know what this place is? This auction house, but you can kill people casually?"

"Killing? You are wrong. How could this young master kill people casually? You know, this young master is a good person, duck rice tofu!" Qin Mo quickly put his hands together, I just sent them to the Western Paradise!

As soon as Qin Mo said these words, the faces of the people around them became weird. It was the first time they saw someone so shameless!

Killing is killing. He also said that he was sent to the Western Paradise, and he said he was a good person? Nima, what a good person are you like?

Moreover, Qin Mo had a compassionate look on one side, and his hand was merciless on the other. People here, Qin Mo didn't have the slightest mercy.

Too ruthless!

When Qin Mo said this, Zhou Le became even more angry. He said, "If that's the case, go and die!"

After Zhou Le's words were finished, Zhou Xing immediately took action, only to see that a thunder light was brought out from Zhou Xing's palm. The thunder and lightning martial arts spirit had been integrated into Zhou Xing's body, and his attack would be even stronger.

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