I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1420: You are so weak!

It's just a pity that the person he faced was Qin Mo!

Qin Mo blasted out with a punch, and the wind of the fist was able to scratch people’s cheeks. Facing Zhou Xing’s thunder and lightning martial soul attack, the spirit abilities issued by this martial soul were more powerful than the king-level soul abilities. Even stronger, Qin Mo stepped forward!

"Stupid, how could the Heavenly Thunder Martial Soul be comparable to the physical body? He is simply looking for death!" Zhou Le's face showed disdain.

Not only Zhou Le, but other people also feel so.

Zhou Xing is not an ordinary person after all. He is the prince of the Zhou Dynasty. Not only is he noble, but also has abundant resources. The most important thing is that he is a man with a prefecture-level martial spirit, and his martial spirit power is quite terrifying.

This palm is a thunderous palm. It is said that it belongs to the king-level martial arts. A single palm can turn into scorched earth within a hundred meters. But now, he obviously compresses the power of this palm, so the attack range will be reduced. A lot, but it can increase the power.

It is now that Zhou Xing's palm has reached Qin Mo's front.

"Master, be careful!" Fan Fei said. He could feel that this palm was indeed very powerful, but Fan Fei didn't know whether Qin Mo could receive this palm.

The Sky Dog and Wangcai beside Qin Mo are not worried. They can feel that Qin Mo is indeed different from before. This week's trip is only the third level of the Martial Emperor Realm. If Qin Molian is an opponent like this If you can't resist it, it's a bit too weak!

Xiao Bailong looked at Qin Mo and had to work overtime for Qin Mo. She waved her hand and said, "Daddy, beat him, beat him!"

Qin Mo was not affected by other people in the slightest. This punch had already blasted before Zhou Xing's fist. When the two fists touched, only a loud noise was heard, and the huge thunder and lightning power had been released to the surroundings, except for the lightning. In addition, there are those strong winds.

The punch of the two of them actually forced the people around him back, and Zhou Xing was a little pale after being knocked back five or six steps by Qin Mo's palm.

The two have just one punch, and they have already decided the winner?

Everyone can see that Zhou Xing is already injured, which is incredible.

Wu Ning covered her small mouth, her eyes filled with shock. She was really surprised. Qin Mo's strength seemed to be beyond her imagination. She had never seen such a powerful boy as Qin Mo!

It turned out that Wu Ning only thought that Qin Mo was so arrogant because of his own background, but now it seems that Qin Mo's own cultivation and talent are quite unusual!

If you have a chance, you must make friends with this person!

Princess Wu Ning has already felt fortunate that she had made friends with Qin Mo before.

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"


"You are really weak!" Qin Mo said with a sigh, "With your strength, you are not qualified to be my opponent. Let me deal with you!"

"..." After hearing Qin Mo's words, everyone couldn't help but their expressions changed. This is too arrogant!

Zhou Xing flushed with anger, Qin Mo's punch just now was indeed amazing, but even so, Qin Mo's strength might not be much stronger than him!

Now Qin Mo dared to say such a bastard!

But at this moment, a man in armor stood behind his swordsmanship, and the man in armor walked up to him carrying a giant sickle.

This is Qin Mo's subordinate? How come there is no fluctuation in vitality?

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