I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1455: You don't know anything about the power of Wuhun!

After Lan Bohu heard Qin Mo's words, his pupils shrank, what did Qin Mo say? Want him to commit suicide? What's the joke, who does he think he is and wants to commit suicide in a word?

His elder Lan is the elder of the righteous alliance. He is titled Lan Bo and is known as Lan Bo Wudi. His status and status are not ordinary. Even if he is the leader, he must give him a bit of face! Qin Mo still wants him to commit suicide? Don't think about it!

"Qin Mo, your duel with Saint Son has spread throughout the entire righteous alliance. Today I will look at Saint Son to see if you have such qualifications!" Elder Lan Bohu said.

"Since you don't commit suicide, it seems that you still want this young master to take action!" Qin Mo thought for a while. It seems that before going to a duel with Ouyang Tianyu, he can collect two more diamond treasure chests.

"I heard that you just stepped into the Martial Emperor Realm. I really don't understand what you are so arrogant!" Lan Bohu opened his mouth and said.

"In this case, I will let you know why I am so arrogant!" Qin Mo said, holding a heavy sword in his hand, and walked in front of him.

"His Royal Highness, he is very strong!" Roaring Sky Dog said quickly.

The titled Emperor Wu is indeed very strong. This level of power is not so easy to deal with, and this elder Lan Bohu estimates that he has been at the 9th floor of the Emperor Martial for too long, and his strength will be better than the average 9th floor of the Emperor. Be strong.

Qin Mo waved his hand and said, "He is very strong? It doesn't matter, I am stronger!"

Qin Mo is so confident? The snarling dog looked at Qin Mo. He was shocked. Didn't Qin Mo enter the Martial Emperor Realm three days ago? How did the strength increase so fast?

"Daddy, you must teach him, he actually made Wangcai so miserable!" Xiao Bailong waved his hands.

"Don't worry, what he did to Wangcai, I will definitely return it twice!" Qin Mo replied.

"Qin Mo, what right do you have to say like this? Elder Lan Bohu, you don't need to take action, letting the disciple take action is enough!" A young man said next to Elder Lan Bohu.

"Okay, Di Yuan, in this case, he will leave it to you, and abolish his cultivation base, so that he can know how far he is from His Royal Highness!" Lan Wavelength sneered.

"Yes!" Di Yuan had already walked out, holding a long sword in his hand, and said, "Qin Mo, if you kneel down and come from abandoning cultivation base now, I am afraid you still have a little chance to survive. If I take the shot, , I’m afraid you won’t even have a chance to beg for mercy!"

"You are too much nonsense!" Qin Mo said lightly, "To deal with you, I don't even need to use weapons!"

"What are you talking about? Okay, in this case, I will let you know how good I am!" Di Yuan said, a sword stabbed towards Qin Mo, and the sword light had already reached Qin Mo's front in an instant.

The strength of this Di Yuan is really not weak, he is already at the sixth level of Emperor Wu realm. A strong man of this realm is now a very terrifying existence, and he has mastered the laws of kendo, under one sword, The power can be compared with the martial arts of the top of the king class.

It is a pity that the one in front of him now is not an ordinary person, but Qin Mo!

Qin Mo thrust the Xuanxian iron heavy sword into the ground, and he blasted it out in front of him with a punch!

Qin Mo's strength has improved a lot compared to before, and it has reached 5.5 million jin of strength. With this strength, even facing the powers of the seventh and eighth floors of Emperor Wu, Qin Mo is not afraid of it!

Even the laws of martial arts or those powerful monsters may not be able to withstand his punch!

So facing this sword, Qin Mo didn't need a weapon, just a punch!


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