I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1456: What kind of power is this?

That Di Yuan was blasted out, his arm had been broken, and what was even more terrifying was that the sword in his hand was also broken, and the law of kendo had no effect in front of Qin Mo!

What kind of power is this?

Di Yuan spit out blood, his face turned pale.

The power of this punch far surpassed his imagination, didn't Qin Mo just stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu? How could he have such a terrifying power?

"Is your strength only like this? It really disappointed me!" Qin Mo said lightly. The Dragon Swallowing Art Qin Mo has cultivated can make him more powerful than the ordinary Martial Emperor Realm. The power of his punch now is of course terrifying.

But Di Yuan didn't know, and Lan Bohu didn't know, and the expressions of the people present changed a bit. Qin Mo was so strong, no wonder he had the courage to challenge the holy son!

"Do you regret it?" Qin Mo looked at Di Yuan, his eyes full of chill.

The regret treasure chest is only 200,000 short of regret value before it can be promoted to the diamond treasure chest. Qin Mo believes that the people here will make enough for him.

Di Yuan swallowed, and he immediately said loudly: "Qin Mo, you can't kill me, I am the core ally of the Righteous Alliance, if you kill me..."

"Crack!" Qin Mo raised his foot and stepped on Di Yuan's foot, Di Yuan's foot bones had been shattered.

"Ah -" Di Yuan let out a scream, his entire face was like white paper.

"My master asks if you regret it!" Qin Mo showed a hideous expression on his face.

"I regret it, I regret it!" Di Yuan yelled quickly. He really regretted it. If he didn't want to get ahead and deal with Qin Mo, how could he end up like this? All can only blame himself for being too stupid.

"Ding, collected 100,000 regret points from Emperor Wu realm!"

"Ding, collected 100,000 regret points from Emperor Wu realm!"

"Ding, I regret that the treasure chest was successfully promoted. It is currently a diamond treasure chest!"

When Di Yuan says regret, he will collect 100,000 regret points. Regret in his heart, he will also collect 100,000 regret points, so he can collect 200,000 regret points at once.

But does regret work?

A flame appeared on Qin Mo's palm, and a sneer appeared on his face: "After you regret it, you can rest in peace!"

"Wh...what, you can't kill me, you can't..." Di Yuan's words were not finished, Qin Mo's flames had swallowed him.

On Qin Mo's head, a door appeared, swallowing the Martial Spirit of Di Yuan in front of him.

A pre-level martial soul is obviously not enough. Qin Mo saw these people in front of him, and if they swallowed all their martial souls, the Devouring Gate would definitely become the strongest martial soul!

Thinking of this, Qin Mo said indifferently: "You all seem to have scolded me just now, and this young master is not a grudge, so let me give you a chance, a fair chance to fight me!"

This is also called not holding grudges? When everyone heard Qin Mo's words, they wanted to curse.

But now that Qin Mo wants to kill them, he has to ask them and Lan Wavelength.

Lan Xiaolong was named and titled because of the Lanbo Tiger Martial Spirit. His Martial Spirit can summon endless water power and is very powerful.

"Qin Mo, your strength is indeed beyond my expectation, but it is only that. I am the elder of the righteous alliance named Lan Bo. Do you think you will be my opponent?" Lan Bo sneered Tao.

"Since you have said that, if I kill you, it would be too unreasonable!" Qin Mo walked forward, and the black door above his head also moved with Qin Mo.

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