I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1465: Will he be weaker than him?

As soon as Ouyang Tianyu gritted his teeth, he only saw a black light appearing all over his body. Ouyang Tianyu was covered by the black fog, and only heard a loud noise. The Buddha's anger lotus had exploded!


The huge explosion blew the black mist away, but Qin Mo could see that Ouyang Tianyu was not injured. After all, he was protected by a martial soul, and this level of Buddha's Fury Lotus could not hurt him.

But everyone could see that Ouyang Tianyu's skin was pitch black and looked very embarrassed.

It was the first time that those present saw Ouyang Tianyu looking so embarrassed, but this was also to blame Ouyang Tianyu for being too arrogant. Did he really think that Qin Mo's realm was lower than him, and he would be weaker than him?

Ouyang Tianyu was also angry, this Qin Mo dared to hurt him!

Although it was only a skin wound, it made him very embarrassed!

He is a saint son, and he is so embarrassed by Qin Mo in front of so many people, this is absolutely impossible!

"Ouyang Tianyu's aversion to you has increased, currently at 80! Entering the third-level rage state!"

"Ding...hate value+"

"I want you to die!" Ouyang Tianyu didn't pay attention to what he said just now. He rushed towards Qin Mo, his palm fisted, and the fist slammed down. The fist was like a meteor falling, and the black fist was enlarged a hundred times. If it hit Qin Mo, no one knew what it would be like.

"Boom!" The punch fell to the ground, but did not hit Qin Mo, but the ground was torn apart by the punch.

"Didn't you just say you want to pick me up with three tricks?" Qin Mo said, standing not far away, his face a little strange.

It is not difficult to dodge this punch. After all, Qin Mo's body and movements are extremely fast, and Ouyang Tianyu would not think that this ordinary punch can kill Qin Mo.

But even so, Ouyang Tianyu was still very angry, and Qin Mo hadn't let go of taunting him.

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the people around looking at Ouyang Tianyu also changed.

After all, Ouyang Tianyu did say that Qin Mo should have three moves, but in fact, let alone three moves, even if Qin Mo's one move, Ouyang Tianzong feels embarrassed, if he really takes three moves. , I am afraid that this battle does not need to be fought again!

"I admit that I really underestimated you. From now on, I will fight you seriously!" Ouyang Tianyu concealed the embarrassment on his face. He looked at Qin Mo, his eyes were full of chill, now he This is the first time I feel so embarrassed.

This Qin Mo really surprised him, and Ouyang Tianyu had to take it seriously now!

"In this case, this young master should also let you know, this young master's tricks!" Qin Mo said indifferently, "don't be afraid to tell you that this set of swordsmanship of mine can shake the world, open mountains and split rocks, as long as I display them, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it!"

Qin Mo couldn't help bragging when he spoke.

"I'll see if it's your tricks or my palms!" After Ouyang Tianyu finished speaking, only two black lights appeared on his palm, as if it had become two black gloves.

Ouyang Tianyu no longer underestimated Qin Mo. After Qin Mo's two attacks just now, he was extremely embarrassed. He had to kill Qin Mo. Only in this way could he be ashamed!

Ouyang Tianyu's palm was full of black light, and he patted Qin Mo. A huge black palm had fallen from the sky. Qin Mo had already held the Xuanxian Iron Heavy Sword in his hand and slashed it in front of him.

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