I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1466: This is the sword-killing method I created

A sword light appeared on the long sword unexpectedly, and when it was cut down, a sword aura was stimulated to come into contact with the huge black palm.


Only heard a loud noise, the black palm was cut in half by Qin Mo's sword energy, and Ouyang Tianyu's attack was not Qin Mo's opponent!

This scene was completely beyond everyone's expectations. It can be seen that this time, Qin Mo really suppressed Ouyang Tianyu with his strength.

What's ridiculous is that Ouyang Tianyu was so arrogant just now, saying that he wanted to make Qin Mo three moves. His current shots were also suppressed by Qin Mo. Qin Mo's strength was much stronger than they thought!

"Impossible, how could you be my opponent? I don't believe it, take my move, the hand of the devil!" Ouyang Tianyu was furious, only to see his palm raised high above the sky, suddenly lowering an arm , A huge palm measuring ten feet long, patted Qin Mo's body.

"Today, this young master will let you know how powerful my sword is!" Qin Mo said lightly, only to see his long sword pierced forward.

"Ultimate Dugu Nine Swords, palm breaking style!" Qin Mo's sword came out like a rainbow, and the whole person seemed to transform into a sword. This sword pierced the black palm as if it could pierce the sky. One sword, but with a general will.

"The realm of kendo law!" Hei Ye's face was full of shock.

The powerful strength of Qin Mo's sword can already be seen. The momentum of his sword is definitely the strongest swordsman in the swordsmanship he has ever seen!

The realm of the mastery of the laws of kendo, even people in the realm of Wuzong, may not be able to achieve it. The realm of Wuzu has surpassed ordinary mortal warriors, but is called a true warrior!

But even in the first level of the martial ancestor realm, there are not many people who can practice the law of kendo!

Now that Qin Mo can do it, how can he not shock the night?

Also shocked were Ouyang Shi and Wu Xie. They were all shocked at Qin Mo. This Qin Mo was really extraordinary.

Everyone raised their heads, only to see the huge arm, which had been directly pierced under Qin Mo's sword, and the huge arm was chopped in half.

"Ah—" A scream appeared, and blood flowed out of Ouyang Tianyu's arm, and he could see that he had been injured.

"You...you can actually break my devil's hand?" Ouyang Tianyu's face was full of incredible color.

The power of Ouyang Tianyu's soul skills is very terrifying, but even so, it is still impossible to obtain Qin Mo's sword. It can be seen how terrifying the power of Qin Mo's sword is!

"Ouyang Tianyu's aversion to you has increased, currently at 90! Entering the fourth-level rage state!"

"Ding...hate value+"

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"

Ouyang Tianyu looked at Qin Mo with a trace of jealousy in his eyes. This sword shocked him quite a bit. Although he knew Qin Mo had some strength, he didn't pay attention to it. Now it is different because of this. The power of the sword is enough to make him pay attention!

"I'm not afraid to tell you that this young master's sword is rarely used, because this young master's sword is called the Sword Technique of Slaying Dogs in the Heaven and Earth. Once the sword is out, it will kill the dogs! The young master is not willing to commit more crimes. !" Qin Mo sighed.

Will slaughter a dog with a sword? When everyone heard Qin Mobu's words, the corners of their lips twitched. When Qin Mo said this, isn't he calling Ouyang Tianyu a dog?

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