Wu Xie didn't seem to have any intention of pursuing Qin Mo's killing of Ouyang's personnel. After Qin Mo left, Hei Ye also came in, Wu Xie told the previous story.

After Heiye heard it, he felt very surprised, no, let Qin Mo be the saint son?

"Leader, are you serious, do you really want him to be a saint son?" Hei Ye said quickly.

"Of course it is true!" Wu Xie nodded, "Qin Mo's potential is even more terrifying than you and I imagined!"

"Even so, we don't know if he is loyal to our righteous alliance, in case he is a member of the magic alliance..." Hei Ye said.

"No, I have found out what he has done. Once he agrees, he will not repent and betray his allies!" Wu Xie said, "I believe I will not be wrong. Human!"

Since Wu Xie believes in Qin Mo so, it is hard for the dark night to say more.

"Leader, now Ouyang Shi is dead, our deputy leader may be missing one!" Hei Ye said again.

"I already have a suitable candidate in my heart!" Wu Xie replied.


Qin Mo did not actually suffer any injuries today, so he does not need to rest, and Qin Mo is still very curious about this righteous palace. The most important thing is that Qin Mo wants to see if there are other things here. Good things, such as being able to pick up a few more special treasure chests, or advanced treasure chests.

Either way, it is also very attractive to Qin Mo now.

And when Qin Mo went out, he would naturally take Xiaobailong, Fan Fei, Wangcai, and the Roaring Dog, and the Innocent General Shaking Martial Ancestor also summoned it. Qin Mo is not difficult to guess, I'm afraid the Shaking Martial Ancestor This time I will become the deputy leader of the Righteous Alliance!

When Qin Mo and others wandered around, they always wanted to find any special treasure chests, but they couldn't find the treasure chests, so an acquaintance met them.

After Xiong Nian returned to the Righteous Qi Alliance, his strength regressed greatly. The original Xiong Nian was a high-level martial emperor. After Qin Mo took away his martial spirit, his realm had fallen to the first level of Wu Dan.

Xiong Nian also felt quite depressed. After he came back here, his status plummeted, which made him a little unacceptable, and his brother is still in retreat.

After Xiong Nian’s status declined, he also heard of the battle between Saint Son Ouyang Tianyu and Qin Mo, but he knew very well that Qin Mo was not even in the Martial Emperor Realm. It seems that this Qin Mo who fought the Saint Son was just It's just a person with the same name and surname as Qin Mo he knew!

After all, it is not so simple to enter the Wudi realm from the 9th floor of the Wudan realm. It only took Qin Mo more than ten days to enter the Wudi realm? The year of the bear definitely does not believe it!

So seeing Qin Mo appear here, Xiong Nian's face showed joy, and he immediately went to the place where Xiong Yue was practicing.

Xiong Yue is an elder of the Righteous Alliance, with an extraordinary status, and has the title of Moon Bear. His martial spirit is also a bear, but his martial spirit's combat effectiveness will be even stronger.

"What happened?" Xiong Yue seemed to know that his brother was back, he said.

Xiong Yue has always been in cultivation, and he doesn't even know about the outside.

"Big Brother Xiong Yue, I saw him, it was the one who swallowed my spirit!" Xiong Nian immediately shouted.

"What?" Hearing these words, Xiong Yue's eyes showed coldness, and he said, "Well, take me over, no matter who he is, I will not let him go today!"

Before the year of the bear, because he wanted to teach Qin Mo, Qin Mo swallowed his martial soul, and because of this, his strength would regress.

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