I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1484: What do you villain want to do?

In the eyes of Xiong Nian, he must avenge this grudge!

Xiong Yue knew about this, he naturally wanted to avenge his brother.

Qin Mo and the others were still wandering around, but found that they were already surrounded by others. This surprised Qin Mo. He didn't expect that there would be someone who wanted to take action against him. Is it Ouyang?

"Qin Mo, didn't you expect it? We would actually meet here!" Only a voice rang.

Qin Mo looked in the direction of that voice, and when he saw one of them, Qin Mo recognized at a glance, this person turned out to be the year of the bear!

"It turned out to be you, what do you bad guy want to do?" Xiao Bailong said immediately when he saw the year of the bear.

"Boy, you are not qualified to talk to me!" Xiong Nian said coldly.

Little Bailong pouted his mouth and turned his head to ignore the year of the bear, but Qin Mo said, "In the year of the bear, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Why, do you want to do something with this young master? You don’t seem to have a martial spirit anymore, you are sure you Do you want to shoot me?"

"Qin Mo, don't be too arrogant. Today, my brother Xiong Yue is here. You can't imagine it. Brother Xiong Yue is the elder of the righteous alliance. If you return my spirit to me now, I can still Give you a way out, otherwise, don't blame our brother for being impolite!" Only Xiong Nian said.

At this time, Xiong Nian still had the idea of ​​being able to return the Martial Soul, if he could get the Martial Soul back, he would be able to restore his original strength again!

"Xiong Yue? Elder of the Righteous Alliance?" Qin Mo was a little surprised when he heard these words, but he didn't seem to panic.

"Young man, if you offend someone who shouldn't offend, I will give you a way to survive your first offense. If you hand over my brother's martial arts, and then abandon your cultivation, I will forgive you!" Xiong Yue Said with a generous look.

In Xiong Yue's view, the abolition of Qin Mo's cultivation is already very large. If he were not in a good mood today, he would probably kill directly!

"Listening to you, I seem to be grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to abolish my self-cultivation?" Qin Mo said with an expression on his face.

"Why? You don't want to? If that's the case, don't blame us for being impolite, do it!" Xiong Yue waved his hand and said.

"Stop!" Just at this moment, a voice shouted.

stop? Who is calling to stop?

Xiong Yue frowned and said, "Who?"

"It's me!" The man said lightly.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being surprised, because this person turned out to be the deputy leader of the dark night!

"Vice lord of the night, why are you here?" Xiong Yue said quickly and respectfully.

"If I don't come, I don't know what stupid you did!" Hei Ye said with cold eyes at Xiong Yue.

"What? The deputy lord of the night, I don’t know what stupid I did?" Xiong Yue dare not offend the night. You must know that in addition to being the deputy lord, his strength is far greater than that of Xiong Yue. This person, he definitely does not Can offend

He sighed in his heart after the night heard it, this Xiongyue, he really didn't know what had happened before.

"Do you know who he is?" Hei Ye said immediately.

"Vice-leader, who are you talking about?" Xiong Yue asked quickly when he heard these words.

"Who else can it be? Of course it is His Royal Highness Qin Mo!" Hei Ye replied, "His Royal Highness Qin Mo is the next prospective son!"

"The quasi saint son? Isn't our saint son His Royal Highness Ouyang Tianyu?" Xiong Yue's expression changed when she heard it.

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