I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1486: What do you think should be done?

"Want me to let him go? Of course there is no problem, but I don't think he is suitable for another martial artist, what do you think should be done?" Qin Mo said lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Xiong Nian's face changed drastically. What Qin Mo meant by this sentence was obviously to abolish Xiong Nian's cultivation base!

Only in this way can Xiong Nian not be a martial artist, but Qin Mo is still unwilling to do it himself, wants Xiong Yue to do it?

Xiong Yue's heart trembled, Qin Mo actually wanted him to abolish his brother's cultivation base himself?

Qin Mo didn't care about this at all. After all, Xiong Nian wanted to retaliate against him. Qin Mo didn't do it directly, he was already giving him face, and it was no big deal to abolish his cultivation base!

For Xiong Nian, this is undoubtedly the same as killing him. Xiong Nian regrets it now. He casts his pleading gaze on Xiong Yue, but Xiong Yue just glanced at him indifferently and said: "Do it yourself, blame it. I can only blame you for offending Master Qin Mo!"

Xiong Nian didn't expect his eldest brother to say such a thing, asking him to abolish his cultivation base? how is this possible?

"Brother, don't, don't waste my cultivation, I..." Xiong Nian asked quickly.

But Xiong Yue slammed his palm to the position of the dantian of the year of the bear, and the year of the bear screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, a hint of surprise appeared in Qin Mo's eyes, this Xiong Yue was so cruel!

Dark night is also very surprised, this Xiong Yue is too ruthless, this kind of people's scheming is too heavy, you have to pay attention to it in the future!

"Big Brother..." Xiong Yue couldn't believe that his eldest brother would personally abolish his cultivation.

"This is the end for today!" Qin Mo said calmly.

Qin Mo took the others and left like this, and the dark night took a deep look at Xiong Yue, and then followed.

Hei Ye will follow, mainly because he received an order from the leader Wu Xie to tell him the rules on the mountain of the Promise Divine Clock.

Xiong Yue sighed and ordered someone to send the Year of the Bear back. In this life, he might not be able to cultivate, but Xiong Yue still began to investigate Qin Mo's identity.

The more investigation, the more shocked Xiong Yue was. As the night said, Ouyang's house was over!

Ouyang Qi was swallowed directly by Qin Mo's martial spirit, and Ouyang Tianyu was defeated by Qin Mo. Even Wuzu Ouyang Shi did not know what method Qin Mo used to bombard him with lightning!

Xiong Yue secretly rejoiced, if the night does not come, I am afraid he will really take action against Qin Mo, then, his fate...

Xiong Yueguang thought about it, his back was full of cold sweat, and he was secretly angry. If it weren't for the fact that Qin Mo was just the elder of Qingyuntang before the year of the bear, saying that he had no strength at all, he would not be so reckless.

Fortunately, I was able to survive this time, but I must go and apologize to Qin Mo again. Otherwise, who knows whether Qin Mo will bear his grudge?

Qin Mo didn't take this matter in his mind. After all, his current status is different. Where can he care about these little things?

The next day, Qin Mo went to the Wuji Mountain!

There was no name on this mountain originally, but then the Promise Sacred Clock appeared and got its name.

No one knows how the Promise Divine Clock came. It’s just rumored that the founder of the Righteous Alliance was loved by God, so God gave this divine clock. This divine clock can even detect the talents and aptitudes of other strong men here. , And it can be sensed within a certain range.

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