I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1487: Reached the top

But in Qin Mo's eyes, this clock is a treasure chest!

Talent treasure chest, what is this kind of thing? Qin Mo also wanted to know that now is a good opportunity to get it!

Qin Mo has reached the foot of the mountain, and around Qin Mo, there are quite a few elders, as well as the leader Wu Xie and the deputy leader Hei Ye!

"Qin Mo, you have to go up alone this time. Remember, if you want to go up, you have to be firm and do what you can. The more you go on top of this Zhongshan mountain, the greater the pressure. ......" Wu Xie said to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo had heard Hei Ye talk about this kind of thing yesterday. He was not surprised. He only heard him say: "It doesn't matter, isn't it just a magic clock? This young master can easily reach the top of the mountain!"

Qin Mo's arrogant words caused the surrounding elders to roll their eyes. They had seen arrogant ones, but they had never seen Qin Mo so arrogant. Is this Wuji Mountain so good?

Qin Mo ignored them and had already set foot on the Wuji Mountain.

Soon, in everyone's eyes, Qin Mo had turned into a black spot.

"How high do you think this Qin Mo can get?"

"It's hard to say, but although he defeated Ouyang Tianyu, his strength should not be strong. I guess he can't get much higher!"

"He is able to lean Ouyang Tianyu, I am afraid it is just good luck, Ouyang Tianyu is careless, otherwise it depends on him to want Ouyang Tianyu?"

"If he goes up this time, if he is unlucky, he might be killed directly!"


The people around were not optimistic about Qin Mo, and some even spoke ill of Qin Mo behind their backs. After all, Qin Mo was very envious of them.

This time Wu Xie not only did not trouble Qin Mo, but also gave Qin Mo a chance to make Qin Mo a holy son!

I don't know how many people can't ask for it. Qin Mo just got the opportunity. How can he not let them be envious?

But everyone also knows that it's not easy to complete these 9,999 steps!

At least so far, no one seems to be able to finish it!

Wu Xie did not speak, he just watched Qin Mo walk up, and no one knew what Wu Xie was talking about.

At this time, a bell rang.


Qin Mo has reached the 100th step?

Everyone looked at that Wuji Mountain in amazement. Less than a minute passed, Qin Mo had already climbed the 100th step?

This Promise Divine Bell, when someone walks up, it will ring every 100 steps, and the bell will become louder and stronger!

When you reached the 9000 steps, the bell sounded like a storm, and its power would be very terrifying. If it hits everyone, it may hurt their lungs.

Therefore, those who can reach the 8000 level can obtain the qualifications of the Holy Son, and even so, there are very few people who can obtain this qualification!

"It seems that his body is very strong, and this little pressure is not difficult for him!"

"He can only climb 1000 steps at most, I don't believe he can reach 2000 steps!"

"No, listen, there is another bell!"


The eyes of the people around were a little shocked, they had already heard the second bell ringing, and it was less than a minute!

Immediately afterwards, there was the third, fourth...twenty, thirty...

Less than an hour before and after, forty bells have rang.

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