I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1488: This speed is too fast!

The bell on the top will ring every 100 steps. Doesn't that mean Qin Mo has already reached 4000 steps?

This speed is too fast!

No one has ever been able to climb that step at such a speed!

Even if it is innocent, it can’t help but move. The first five thousand steps need to use the body to withstand this powerful force. Even the powerhouse of the 9th floor of the Martial Emperor Realm would consume a lot of money, but now Qin Mo is fundamentally It's not like going up the Wuji Mountain, it's more like stepping on flat ground, there is no difficulty at all.

It was said that Qin Mo could only reach the elders of two thousand steps, but now he shut his mouth immediately, and the expressions of the people present have changed. Could it be that Qin Mo can really reach eight thousand steps?

Qin Mo walked up all the way, feeling that the pressure on his body was getting heavier and heavier. The bell sounded as if a mountain was pressing on him. Going up, the pressure on his body was even greater. It seemed that he had changed from one mountain to two. seat……

But for Qin Mo, this is not too difficult, because his body is very terrifying, and Qin Mo's power has more than five million catties, and you can imagine how terrifying his body is.

Even the flesh of those sixth-level monsters may not be comparable to Qin Mo!

As far as Qin Mo was reached, the five thousand steps had no effect.

The flesh just felt a little sore in the muscles of the body.

However, Qin Mo felt a little helpless. It took more than an hour to reach these five thousand steps, which is too slow. It would take more than two hours to reach the top of the mountain!

If other people knew what Qin Mo was thinking, they would definitely be very depressed. It would take at least three days for other people to go up, and it would take one or two years. After all, the more they went up, the more severe their physical and mental training would be.

After the first five thousand steps are completed, some people need to spend a month or even a year, Qin Mo is still too slow?

When Qin Mo stepped onto the five thousand steps now, he suddenly felt that his body seemed to have changed.

Qin Mo's power seems to have reached 6 million catties!

If this force hits a person, even the eighth floor of Emperor Martial Realm will be severely injured with a punch!

At five thousand steps, the body can be tempered, and further up, is the place to exercise mental strength, but the bell is still the same, and another bell rang, Qin Mo felt that his mind was clearer. .

Qin Mo could be considered to have reacted. It turned out that this Wuji Mountain was divided into upper and lower levels. The lower level could temper the body and the upper level could temper the spirit.

However, whether it is physical or spiritual, Qin Mo has far surpassed ordinary Wudi strong, does he still need to temper?

The exercise here is indeed very effective for other people, but for Qin Mo, it has no effect.

The 60th bell rang...70...80...100!

Everyone couldn't believe this, Qin Mo had only reached the top after only an hour!

The faces of the elders of the Righteous Alliance present were full of incredible colors, and they didn't believe it would be true.

After three full minutes, someone finally spoke: "You...have you counted wrong?"

"It's impossible to count wrong. The 100th bell can wash our hearts and improve our mental power. I already feel it!" Hei Ye said.

"It seems that our new Saint Son is about to appear!" Wu Xie said.

Wu Xie said that, and the people around him would say more.

"I heard that if Shen Zhong approves it, Zhong Ying will appear in the air, and then nine bells will ring!"

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