I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1616: It's a pity you don't know me

"A woman's intuition is very accurate!" Tang Qing replied.

"But you're just a little loli... well, I see, please loose your teeth!" Qin Mo didn't want someone to bite his back when he was fighting, and he only needs to have soul power in his body. Little Lolita will be shaken off, maybe even her teeth will be shaken off.

Qin Mo walked out of the ancient pagoda with Tang Qing on his back, only to see that there was already a black mist around him.

"It's interesting, who did it? Is there anything dangerous in this black mist?" Qin Mo was surprised when he saw it.

"You are right! There are indeed dangerous things here! They have already arrived!" Tang Qing said immediately.

Behind Qin Mo, a huge blue double-headed water dragon rushed towards Qin Mo directly. Qin Mo was sure that this was definitely a martial soul, and this water dragon had already rushed behind Qin Mo.

Qin Mo seemed to have eyes on his back, and he slammed a punch behind him.

This punch directly hit the head of the double-headed flood dragon, and at this moment, the double-headed flood dragon immediately shattered.

"Illusion?" Tang Qing was taken aback for a moment.

"Dare to play this kind of thing in front of his ancestors? Looking for death!" Qin Mo sneered, illusion? Is there a master's Fudge Dafa powerful?

Watch me fool you until you don't even know your mother!

A ray of light appeared in Qin Mo's eyebrows. Although the spiritual eye is not as substantive as the third eye, Qin Mo's spiritual power is still quite terrifying, and now there is still Fudge Dafa to help him. Come, the opponent is absolutely impossible to resist.

"I can feel their position!" Tang Qing said suddenly.

In this black fog, can Tang Qing still feel their position? Even Qin Mo couldn't do it. Qin Mo glanced at Little Lolly by surprise, only to see that her little finger had pointed to the other side: "There!"

Qin Mo didn't doubt Tang Qing's words, and shook his body before rushing in that direction.

"Tianmu, how did you do it? They have already come over, is your illusion useful?" Someone immediately said in the black mist.

"Don't worry, they are just being fooled, they will never find us!" The Tianmu was actually a little panicked, the direction Qin Mo rushed towards was exactly where they were.

"They've come here, I'm going to do it!" Lan Jiao said immediately, before Tianmu could answer, he had already rushed over.

Lan Jiao directly used his martial soul to fuse with himself and rushed towards Qin Mo.

With a flick of Lan Jiao's tail, the huge water wave had already rushed towards Qin Mo, engulfing Qin Mo directly.

After Lan Jiao saw it, his face showed disdain: "I thought how strong it is, is this the end? It's a waste of our time!"

Tianmu found that there was a person standing in front of him. He couldn't believe that Qin Mo could also illusion?

"You...you also know illusion?" Tianshou said, staring at Qin Mo.

"Illusion? What's a joke, this young master is Fudge Dafa, which is much stronger than yours!" Qin Mo said a little dissatisfied when he heard it.

"You dare to underestimate me?" Tianmu was angry when he heard it, and Wuhun appeared, only seeing that the eye behind him turned out to be.

The illusion is activated!

Qin Mo only saw that the environment in front of him had changed, and Qin Mo seemed to reappear in the Imperial City of Daqin.

After Qin Mo saw it, his face showed a sneer, and he said, "Your illusion skills are too weak!"

too weak? Tianmu saw that Qin Mo's eyes had a spirit, and he didn't mean to be confused at all. What's the matter?

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