I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1617: Are you not interested in Qin Mo?

Isn't his own illusion interested in Qin Mo?

"Impossible!" Tianmu said angrily, the eyes behind him opened again, as well as the eyes between his brows, and he looked at Qin Mo at the same time, but Qin Mo just smiled indifferently.

Celestial Eye's illusion is really useless for Qin Mo!

Illusion skills are only useful for those who have lower mental power. Qin Mo's mental power is now more than one hundred. This Tianmu mental power is only close to one hundred, how can it be compared with Qin Mo?

Because of this, the Tianmu certainly couldn't confuse Qin Mo!

Qin Mo shook his head and said, "Illusory is about digging out the thoughts in the opponent's heart, and then using it to confuse the opponent, but it is a pity that you don't know me, so why do you confuse me?"

It is not something in this world that can affect Qin Mo's state of mind. No one knows this. The Third Eye's illusion technique is used in the wrong place. How can it confuse Qin Mo?

"You..." Tianmu stared at Qin Mo, his eyes filled with shock.

"Now it's my turn!" Qin Mo said with a cold smile, "Look at what is behind you?"

As soon as Qin Mo said these words, Tianmu immediately said, "Your illusion skills are useless to me!"

Tianmu looked behind him, only to see that Blue Jiao had already rushed towards him, as if he was about to attack him, Tianmu sneered, how could this kind of illusion confuse him?

But it's just an illusion!

Just ignore it!

Tianmu thought so, then looked in Qin Mo's direction, only to find that Qin Mo was gone.


Tianmu was taken aback for a moment, but then, Tianmu realized that something was wrong, and he felt dangerous!

But it's too late!


A huge tail had already hit the third eye, and the third eye immediately flew upside down, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Lan Jiao turned out to be real, not an illusion?

"Blue Jiao, are you crazy?" Tianmu said angrily.

"Stupid kid, you are looking for death!" Lan Jiao raised his tail again and swept toward the sky. What is Lan Jiao doing?

Only now did Tianmu realize that something was wrong, because the person who was hit by Qin Mo's magic spell was not him, but Lan Jiao!

"Bastard!" Tianmu was angry, but it didn't have any effect. Blue Jiao's attack continued.

On Qin Mo's back, Tang Qing felt a little weird. What did she see? Blue Jiao was fighting with the Tianmu, and the two of them stood near them, but they did not notice.

"Why is your illusion so powerful?" Tang Qing whispered.

"What illusion technique? This young master does not know illusion technique!" Qin Mo shook his head and said with a sneer.

"I don't believe it, what are we going to do now?" Tang Qing asked quickly.

Qin Mo's visual flicker was indeed not an illusion, but a kind of visual deception, which made Lan Jiao regard the Tianmu as Qin Mo, so Lan Jiao was attacking the Tianmu and also deceived the eyes of the Tianmu so that he could not see himself.

However, the time for visual flicker is very short, and the other party will soon be able to find that something is wrong, so Qin Mo said, "What else? If you don't make a move now, it's a bastard!"

Qin Mo never let go of this kind of opportunity. Tianmu knows how to illusion. Such a person is very difficult to deal with. Now with such a good opportunity, how can Qin Mo let it go?

During the battle between Lan Jiao and Tianmu, Qin Mo and Tang Qing stole behind Tianmu and blasted them out with one punch!

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