"She is the woman we want, our brother will deal with him, you deal with that lone lonely begs to defeat!" said the ghost brother.

Evil Sabre and the others have nothing to do, now they can only agree.

But here, there are still three people who can take action, and now it's a good opportunity!

"Do it!" said Brother Ghost.

The ghost stabbing brother's body disappeared again, the evil sword, Red Maple rushed towards Qin Mo.

Tang Qing reacted quickly, this time she was no longer attacked, so Tang Qing could get revenge too!

Tang Qing threw the golden ring out of her hand that day, and the golden ring instantly turned into more than a dozen and smashed in front of her.

The sun's golden ring seemed to shine on the two black shadows in front of them. After the ghost sting brothers discovered this, their faces changed.

Tang Qing seemed more difficult than they thought!

If there were only Red Maple and Evil Sabre, Qin Mo didn't care at all. When these two came, Qin Mo would be able to deal with them with one punch.

It's just that behind Qin Mo, a three-headed giant wolf, a blue flood dragon and a cloud of black fog attacked Qin Mo at the same time.

Although the Tianmu was dead and affected a few, the five decided to join forces against Qin Mo!

This is a good opportunity!

The claws of the three giant wolves had already been photographed in Qin Mo, and the black mist suddenly poured into Qin Desert. The blue flood dragon sprayed a jet of water towards Qin Mo, and the red maple leaves flew out like flying knives.

There was also the black light of the evil sword. If these attacks hit Qin Mo, it would be impossible for Qin Mo without the dragon scale armor to resist it.

Boom boom boom...

There was a huge explosion, and these attacks were all concentrated on Qin Mo. If a titled Emperor Wu comes over, there is absolutely no way to survive, but what about Qin Mo? Will he have a chance to survive?

"It should be impossible for him to survive, right? How could he not be able to withstand our joint attack!" Evil Dao said a little worried.

"This Dugu defeat is indeed very strong. If I were alone, there would be no chance to win him!" Hongfeng said.

"But we have five people now. Even if this move didn't kill him, he should be seriously injured!" Lan Jiao said.

The attacks of these people just now were very powerful. If Qin Mo could survive, that would be an incredible color.

The sound of the explosion disappeared, but in front of everyone, a crystal-like dragon appeared, and this dragon actually held Qin Mo in his arms.

King Kong Dragon!

"How is it possible, is he... a twin spirit?" The sky overturned wolf's face was full of shock.

"You are right, you are going to send five people here, and the young master will naturally be accompanied!" Qin Mo blinked. Although there is no dragon scale armor, the defense of the diamond dragon spirit is still very strong. .

It was just the people present, but it was impossible for Qin Mo to have two spirits, and they were both prefecture-level spirits!

"This...he actually possesses two Earth-level martial arts!" Xie Dao's expression also changed.

"You have done your hands, now it should be my turn!" Qin Mo said, only to see that his right hand had been raised, and punched out in the direction of Lan Jiao in front of him.

One of Lan Jiao's previous head was blown by Qin Mo, and now it was another punch. He was taken aback and already wanted to escape.

However, Qin Mo's punch is faster, and he can't dodge this punch!

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