Lan Jiao swept in front of him with his tail, and a wave of water appeared in the air, but in the next instant, the wave was smashed by Qin Mo's fist.

The huge power blasted the blue dragon martial soul to pieces.

Lan Jiao was knocked out, and when it fell to the ground, it was already a corpse.

"Shoot with all your strength, don't give him another chance!" Skywolf began to panic, and Qin Mo's strength was too terrifying, and it would be very unfavorable for them to delay it now!

"Okay!" The other three people responded at the same time, turning Skywolf, Evil Sabre and Red Maple at the same time, attacking Qin Mo at the same time, but the black fog emerging from Mo Ghost's body is increasing, and everyone has been destroyed. Are swallowed up.

At this moment, Tang Qing suddenly discovered that her two opponents had suddenly hidden their whereabouts. Tang Qing's eyebrows wrinkled, because these two people didn't seem to be coming out.

One minute passed, three minutes passed, five minutes passed...

When Tang Qing realized that something was wrong, he only heard a loud noise, and Yan Emperor's fist hit the ground, but Yan Emperor's body disappeared.

Wuhun will disappear, there is only one possibility, it is destroyed!


Tang Qing's pretty face paled for a while, this ghost sting brother was going to attack Qin Mo!

"The Dugu Qiuqiu has to face so many titled Martial Emperors this time, do you still expect him to survive? He will die, definitely!" Qi Yi glanced at Long Ya next to him and continued.

"Qi Yi, don't go too far!" Long Ya said angrily.

Excessive? If that Dugu can't come back after defeat, you will know what is truly excessive! A vicious color flashed in Qi Yi's eyes, but now, he didn't say much.

But now Long Ya is indeed very worried, because this time Qin Mo is facing, but the seven titled martial emperors are strong, and they jointly shot Qin Mo, can Qin Mo really handle it?

Even if it is Li Xiu, facing the attack of these seven titled Wudi, it is estimated that he can only drink hatred!

These people are too much, and it is clear that Qin Mo has not offended them!

Long Ya was anxious, angry, and helpless in her heart. Now she can't help me with anything!

The ghost stabbing brother unexpectedly joined the battlefield here, which surprised Qin Mo. There were also a few more scratches on him. Even if there was a diamond dragon protecting Qin Mo, Qin Mo felt that the diamond dragon was Destroy, although his attack was strong, these people did not give Qin Mo a chance to get close.

"It seems that you are forcing me to take out the sword!" Qin Mo sighed, and had to take out the Xuanxian Iron Heavy Sword, "In this case, I will let you see the sword spirit of the sword demon Dugu seeking defeat!"

Qin Mo's swordsmanship is already in the realm of Taoism. His sword aura is naturally powerful. He can only see Qin Mo slash out with a single sword. That sword aura instantly exits, and the ground in front of him is directly cut in half with a sword.

A huge gully appeared in front of everyone, and the hearts of seven titled martial emperor realm experts were beating wildly.

Fortunately, this sword did not directly attack them, otherwise, none of them would be sure to receive Qin Mo's sword!

What kind of attack is this? It's too scary!

With this sword alone, it is already possible to push people to such a level. One can imagine how powerful Qin Mo's sword is!

"No, his kendo is too powerful, and we can't suppress him now!" said Sky Wolf.

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