I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1646: Elder of the Righteous Alliance?

"What is the origin of this month person? Is she really an elder of the Demon League?" Tang Qing only heard the question.

"Who knows? But we can save others first!" Qin Mo said again.

"Still saving people? Dugu saved, are you okay? Are you such a kind person?" Tang Qing looked at Qin Mo in a little surprised.

"I was such a kind person, did you know it for the first time? To tell you, my true identity is actually an envoy of justice!" Qin Mo sighed and said again.

"Come on, you are the messenger of justice! Let's go!" Tang Qing laughed, and she shook her head.

However, Tang Qing seemed very happy, at least Qin Mo looked like a good person!

When the two of them arrived at that mountain, they didn’t see Elder Yue again. They didn’t know where Elder Yue hid to watch the play, but Qin Mo knew that this woman must be watching the play, because she was completely There is no sign of a shot.

Naturally, Qin Mo would not pay attention to so much, he had already walked into this Yunlong Palace.

And Qin Mo also received a prompt: "Ding, successfully saved people in the name of justice, and the progress of opening the treasure chest is currently 589/1000! ""

As soon as Qin Mo's thoughts turned, he immediately knew what was going on. These were the children who were sent down the mountain by the people of the Demon League just now. These children are considered safe after they have descended from the Yunlang Sect. The treasure chest has already judged Qin Mo to save. People succeeded!

This is a good thing!

"I can feel that there is a secret room here, let's go in!" Tang Qing pointed to the wall in front of him and said to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo immediately blasted the wall in front of him with a punch, and it smashed the wall in front of him, revealing a descending step.

The two looked at each other and walked down the steps.

Below this step, there was obviously a huge dungeon. Sure enough, some children were imprisoned here. There were probably more than three hundred children. They were imprisoned separately. In the depths of this dungeon, there were some monsters.

"Human kid? Why isn't the person here, Song Shan, you kid?" said a tiger-like monster.

"Are you Song Shan's son? It doesn't look like it at all!" said a lion.

"That woman is so beautiful that she wants to be under her body! Aow--ah--" said a wolf.

This wolf was also unlucky. As soon as he finished speaking, he was hit by a circle, which directly blasted his head.

So **** and violent!

The monsters here were originally very noisy, but at this time they all became quiet. Just kidding, this is a woman who can smash a ghost wolf to death at once!

Although their demon power was imprisoned, but their body was still the body of a monster beast, and their heads were smashed all at once? The strength of this woman is certainly not weak.

They don't want to end up like this ghost wolf!

"Don't worry about them, let's let these kids go first!" Qin Mo said.

Now it's not in the dungeon, there will be no treasure chest rewards for killing monsters, Qin Mo doesn't bother to pay attention to these monsters, he still plans to let the children here first!

"Good!" Tang Qing replied.

The children here are almost the same as those locked up on Yaowangfeng. Fortunately, Qin Mo's current mental power makes it easy to fool them.

"We are your father and mother invited to rescue you, don't worry, as long as you follow us, you will be able to leave from here!" Qin Mo said to the humanity in front of him.

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