I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1647: I really don't want to help him!

A girl with a double ponytail heard her hand. She walked up to Qin Mo and pulled Qin Mo's sleeves and said: "Big brother, are you really here to save us? Don't lie to Feng'er!"

This little girl is pink and lovely, and looks not much worse than Tang Qing's loli look, like a porcelain doll, which makes people think she is very cute.

"Your name is Feng'er? Don't worry, I won't lie to you!" Qin Mo gently stroked Feng'er's hair and looked at her a little haggard face. Qin Mo felt a little pain, and then said to the children around him. , "You follow me now, Big Brother will take you away now!"

Qin Mo walked ahead, and the children immediately followed Qin Mo and walked out from under the steps.

These children are very eager to be able to leave and be able to go home. Now that Qin Mo and Tang Qing appear, they have given them hope!

After walking out of the basement, Qin Mo realized that Feng'er was the last one to walk. He was a little curious and said, "Feng'er, why are you walking so slowly?"

"Feng'er is bigger than them, so take care of them!" Feng'er replied.

Qin Mo smiled, and Feng'er was not much bigger than the kids here! Her words, but Qin Mo's heart was about to melt.

"Tang Qing, you stay and protect them, I will go out and call people to protect these children now!" Qin Mo said.

"Okay!" Tang Qing nodded.

Now this Yunlang Sect's suzerain Song Shan and two Wudi-level elders are fighting outside. It should be safe here. With Tang Qing's strength alone, it should be able to protect the talents here!

"Big brother, be careful!" I only heard Feng'er say to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo smiled at Feng'er and went out. Although Elder Yue is gone now, the token given to Qin Mo by Elder Yue is still there, so Qin Mo can still instruct those from the Demon League to come!

Not long after Qin Mo left, he only heard a roar in the air: "Elder Miao Zhi, Elder Qi Jin, are you still not taking action?"

This was Song Shan's voice. Song Shan was a little annoyed at this time. Having been fighting for so long, these two elders still didn't make a move? What's the use of inviting them?

Miao Zhi? Qi Jin? Qin Mo was obviously taken aback when he heard these two names. Isn't this the name of the elder in the Righteous Alliance?

Qin Mo has heard the names of these two people!

Inside the Yunlong Palace, two people walked out: "Song Shan, this old fellow, can't help but call us out to help?"

"I really don't want to help him!" Qi Jin said helplessly.

"Me too, but now we are receiving money from others, we must help!" Miao Zhi also said.

As soon as these two people walked to this hall, they saw Tang Qing and these children here.

"Who are you?" Miao Zhi frowned.

"She shouldn't belong to this Yunlangzong, and she is still the titled Emperor Wu!" Qi Jin said in a little surprised.

"Catch her first!" Miao Zhi said.

When Tang Qing saw these two people appear, her heart was tight. The two people in front of him were the elders of the righteous alliance? It is not surprising that the elders of the Righteous Alliance are here, because Yunlangzong is also a member of the Righteous Alliance. Under the rescue, someone will come here to help!

"You all hide around for a while!" Tang Qing said, the children immediately dispersed, but there were too many children, and some children were at a loss, and even didn't even understand how to escape, standing there motionless!

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