I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1648: Who is the magic way?

If you fight here, then...

"Let's do it together!" Miao Zhi said, and a giant wolf with black stripes appeared behind him, already pounced on Tang Qing.

In Qi Jin's hand, the spear flicked and pierced in front of him. Under the law of the gun, the power of this gun would be stronger than ordinary attacks.

At the same time dealing with two titled Wu Emperors, and two long-established Wu Emperors, even Tang Qing would feel the pressure. She used the Japanese gold ring to hit the front, and the two gold rings slammed into the black wolf and That spear.

The black-patterned giant wolf slapped it down, and the golden ring was immediately bounced out. The black-patterned giant wolf did not stop at all, and continued to pounce on Tang Qing.

Qi Jin's spear collided with the golden ring, but was repelled a step. In terms of the body, this beast spirit would be stronger!

But Qi Jin was a person who possessed the law of spears, and the spear pierced again, this time a rainbow of light had already pierced Tang Qing.

Tang Qing's expression changed, and the two attackers joined forces, and they couldn't help but dodge, but if they dodge now...

When Tang Qing gritted her teeth, she only saw her holding a golden ring in each hand. The two golden rings turned into two golden lights and shot out at the same time.

"Ding! Ding!"

I only saw Jin Huan being knocked out again. This time it was not just Jin Huan, but also Tang Qing!

Tang Qing was knocked out, her chest tight, and a mouthful of blood came out.

"I thought she was doing something, so she was protecting the children here! What a stupid!" Qi Jin laughed, "These children don't have any powerful spirits at first sight, they are just ants!"

"These ants, you still protect them with a title of Emperor Wu? Are you stupid?" Miao Zhi also laughed.

"But this is also interesting. Let's take a look. She can protect a few!" Qi Jin said.

"Oh?" Miao Zhi was a little surprised when he heard it.

"Let's see, she can protect a few people!" Qi Jin said, "We have found a pill with blood life pill just now. It seems that these children are used to refine pill!"

"You mean, we will use them to refine alchemy now?" Miao Zhi said.

"Of course you can't refine pill now, but you can refine them first!" Qi Jin's eyes were full of chill.

"Good!" Miao Zhi nodded.

A Danding immediately appeared in Qi Jin's hand, only seeing that Danding open, the child in front of him was immediately sucked in.

"Ah, no--"

"What-don't kill me -"

"Please let me go--"


The children were screaming and begging for mercy, but there was no effect. There seemed to be a fire in the Danding that all entered, and if they entered, they would be burned to death and turned into a pool of blood.

"What are you doing?" Seeing what these two people were doing, Tang Qing's eyes were about to burst into flames.

"What are we doing? Didn't you see it?" Qi Jin sneered.

"You are also members of the righteous alliance, so you did such a thing? Are you still decent people?" Tang Qing said angrily.

"Who said that the people of the righteous alliance don't kill people? Moreover, these people were not killed by us, but by you people from the magic alliance!" Miao Zhi had already guessed Tang Qing's identity.

Qi Jin did not stop, his Danding continued to inhale the children here, and one of them suddenly shouted at this moment: "Big sister, help me!"

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