I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1662: Because I am a messenger of justice and need to eliminate evil!

"Okay!" Two people are not nonsense, they shot at the same time, one person can transform into a giant bear, the huge bear paw is photographed, but it has the momentum of breaking the mountain.

But this time Qin Mo didn’t continue to use his fingers, and he used his fingers to pretend to be too scornful. Qin Mo said, “It seems that I can’t use my fingers anymore this time. Know how to use weapons, Elder Cui Li, you shouldn't mind it!"

"You are a kendo master, with a sword, of course I..." Cui Li didn't say any more when he was halfway. He really wanted to slap Qin Mo to death.

Because Qin Mo flipped over, a branch appeared in his hand.

Isn't your weapon a sword? What do you want to do with branches? Didn't you do anything to pretend?

"You don't need to use a sword anymore, using branches is enough!" Qin Mo replied.

The anger of the two elders is too much, this is the humiliation of Chi Guoguo!

"Okay, then you will pick up my Tamron Golden Gun!" said the elder who used the spear.

A golden light appeared on the spear, but Qin Mo's branch pointed the spear in front of him.

Tamron Golden Gun? broken!

Bear paw breaks mountains and rivers? broken!

The two tactics were displayed, but Qin Mo still only had one sword. No, a branch was clicked and he cracked it.

Broken broken...

The more they fought, the more they were frightened, but they could fully feel that Qin Mo's branch was able to crack their attack.

"Puff!" Only seeing a head that had been cut and flew out, the huge Xiong Wuhun immediately dissipated.

Immediately after the next sword, the remaining elder was chopped off.

With one enemy and two, Qin Mo won!

Qin Mo collected the branches, and then said, "Not only can I break spears, swords, and palms, but I can also break swords. Do you need to try?"

"Ding, collected 100,000 sin value!"

Qin Mo’s words were obviously addressed to Cui Li. Qin Mo is not a fool, and naturally knows that Cui Li is embarrassing him. If it weren’t for Elder Yue’s presence here, with Qin Mo’s stingy personality, he would probably be Solve Cui Li directly, after all, Qin Mo never holds grudges.

Is it not too late for a gentleman to take revenge? Any grudges were reported at that time! Wait ten years later?

So Qin Mo never knew that he was a gentleman!

When Cui Li heard Qin Mo's words, he was obviously taken aback, and then his expression changed.

If Qin Mo can break Song Shan's swordsmanship, it is luck, then now, Qin Mo breaks the marksmanship at the same time and has that bear paw, can this still be luck?

Of course not!

Qin Mo's swordsmanship is not limited to breaking the swordsmanship, but breaking through the world!

In the face of such a person, even Cui Li had to weigh his own strength, he was a sword repairer, but how did he know that Qin Mo didn't have the skill of breaking a sword?

And people like Qin Mo are obviously not a large number of people. He is so young. If he climbs on top of him in the future, what if he still holds grudges?

Thinking of Cui Li here, sweat came out on his forehead, and he quickly said: "Dugu begs defeat, I apologize to you, I think, among the titled Emperor Wu, there are indeed few opponents that can be yours!"

"Dugu seeks defeat, so are you willing to forgive Elder Cui Li?" Elder Yue seemed to be familiar with Qin Mo's character, she said.

"Since Elder Yue said that, then I have a large number of adults and don't care about this matter anymore!" Qin Mo looked very generous, and he said again, "Do you think there are still people who will be mine? opponent?"

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