I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1663: Do you still want to stay and kill?

Since Elder Yue is here now, this face is still to be given.

After listening to Qin Mo's words, Cui Li's mouth twitched, but he understood that Qin Mo is indeed a stingy person. Fortunately, Elder Yue is here, otherwise this time, he is probably in bad luck.

"I asked myself that it was not Dugu begs your opponent, but we..." Cui Li replied, suddenly paused, and looked at Elder Yue next to him, but Elder Yue did not change his expression at all, Cui Li once again Said, "In our Demon League, in addition to Saint Aunt, there is also the Great Demon Heaven, who are all invincible Wudi!"

"Invincible Emperor Wu?" Qin Mo had heard this term for the first time.

Elder Yue explained: "The so-called Invincible Emperor Wu is one of the strongest Wudi who has killed at least ten titled Wudi. Their strength has been verified and can be regarded as one of the strongest among the Wudi!"

Kill ten titled Wudi? What kind of strength is this?

Although there is a power gap between the titled emperors, generally speaking, to kill the titled emperor of the same level, the strength needs to be more than half stronger than that of the opponent, so that the opponent can not escape and then beheaded.

In the Righteous Alliance, there was actually an Invincible Martial Emperor, but he was cut by Qin Mo at that time. If the saint son was too careless to be taken away by Qin Mo, he might not lose to Qin Mo, let alone Said that he died in Qin Mo's hands.

But from this point of view, the strength of this demon alliance is really terrifying, and there are two invincible martial emperors.

"Although Saint Aunt and Da Motian are invincible Emperor Wu, one is a reincarnated person, and the other is a person who has cultivated for a hundred years. How can they be compared with Master Dugu? After all, Master Dugu is only eighteen years old after practicing. In the holy courtyard, it can also be called a genius!" Elder Yue's voice came.

How could this woman know her age? Qin Mo's heart jumped.

However, Qin Mo immediately pointed to the elder of the Yunlang Sect and said to Tang Qing: "Tang Qing, if you solve this person, our mission can be considered complete!"

"Good!" Tang Qing nodded.

The task is only to kill an elder or sect master of the Yunlang Sect, but there is no stipulation that they must be defeated with their own hands. However, even so, Qin Mo would be considered cheating if he did it. He still cheated in front of the examiner. Individuals don't care at all.

Elder Yue didn't mean to care, she said: "You have all passed the test, after we go back, we will have arrangements! Let's go!"

"Shall we go back like this?" Qin Mo asked.

"Do you still want to stay and kill?" Elder Yue asked.

"Of course, I want to kill those who deserve to be killed!" Qin Mo said immediately, "Bring me the most evil among these people, and I will kill them myself!"

"Why?" Cui Li asked with a look of confusion.

"Because I am a messenger of justice and need to eliminate evil!" Qin Mo said with a righteous expression.

Of course, no one believed Qin Mo's words, even Tang Qing didn't believe it, but they couldn't find loopholes, so they had to let Qin Mo do it.

This time, 10 Yunlangzong elders were brought over. These few people are all known as the most evil elders of the Yunlangzong. It is said that everyone has more than a dozen lives. When Qin Mo just wanted to do it, suddenly What came to mind.

"System, what if I kill someone with merit?" Qin Mo asked.

"If the host kills a person with merit, the sin treasure chest will be deducted, and part of the host's merit will be deducted!" the system answered.

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