I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1706: Godfather, sister

"..." Elder Yue's mouth twitched.

Godfather, your sister, what are you thinking about in your head?

Elder Yue left, she didn't mean to answer Qin Mo at all. She just left a sentence: "If you like, you can come to the Demon League's main league. Just change your appearance and enter the main city of the Demon League. It's not a problem. , In the magic league, there is a secret method of spiritual cultivation!"

"In addition, the three favors you owe me, if you can steal the magic league's spiritual cultivation secret method to me, you will pay this favor!"

Go to Scarlet Blood City, the main city of the Demon League?

For Qin Mo, the leader of the Demon League is indeed a dangerous person, and this person is not easy to deal with. If he is offended, the consequences will be quite serious. Now Qin Mo’s strength is a bit weak even in the face of evil ancestors. The ability is that the strength of the leader of the demon alliance should not be under the evil ancestor.

If Qin Mo goes to Scarlet Blood City, he will most likely meet the leader of the Demon League, but if he doesn't go, he won't be able to get the secret spiritual cultivation method, Qin Mo hesitates.

Qin Mo didn't want to owe favors. Elder Moon had helped him so many times. This time Elder Moon needed his help himself. It seemed that this time, he had to go to Scarlet Blood City.

After Elder Yue left, she appeared at the top of the Demon Mountain, where the evil ancestor fell, and a faint smile appeared on Elder Yue's face. She took out a stone and seemed to talk to herself.

"Saint Aunt, I have helped him rescue his father, and I told him the conditions, but I don't know whether he is willing to enter the Scarlet Blood Formation!" Elder Yue replied.

"Don't worry, he will definitely go to Scarlet Blood City!" Moyue's voice came.

"Sage, do we really want to do this?" Elder Yue asked.

"You already know what I think, do you still need me to speak?" Moyue replied.

Elder Yue’s face was peeled off again. This time, a new face appeared on Moyue’s face, a face that was exactly the same as Moyue, only to hear her say: "In this case , I know what to do!"

There was a mask inside Elder Yue's human skin mask, which made Qin Mo unable to tell.

It is conceivable that Elder Yue was only deceiving Qin Mo. Of course, whether this deception was kind or malicious, how would Qin Mo know?

Now Qin Mo is watching Qin Zhenfeng. Qin Zhenfeng has already woken up. He told about himself. Just like Qin Mo had imagined, after Qin Zhenfeng awakened, he couldn't control himself.

Qin Zhenfeng was worried that he would accidentally do something that would endanger Qin Mo and the other members of the Qin family, so he escaped from Qin's house, but in Qin Zhenfeng's body, the brother of the evil ancestor had gradually awakened.

The brother of the evil ancestor, but has been tempting Qin Zhenfeng to leave here, and also come to this demon mountain.

After a year, Qin Zhenfeng finally arrived here and was also discovered by the evil ancestor.

The evil ancestor found that his life span was approaching, so he didn't dare to use the soul-changing technique easily, because once he used this soul-changing technique, it was very likely that his body would collapse!

Although the evil ancestor wanted his younger brother to be resurrected, he was also very worried about his safety. Because of this, the evil ancestor could only trap Qin Zhenfeng.

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