However, the evil ancestor was also worried that Qin Zhenfeng's soul could get rid of his brother's control, after all, there were signs of this now!

Because of this, the evil ancestor will use that kind of soul lock button to absorb Qin Zhenfeng's soul power. As long as the evil ancestor can get a perfect body, then their brothers will be able to regain a new life.

This was originally a perfect plan, but unfortunately, the evil ancestor had found the wrong opponent, and the evil ancestor would never have imagined it. Qin Mo would have such an ability. Not only did he kill him, but also with the help of Elder Yue. Killed his own brother.

All these things make people feel a little embarrassed. After all, this kind of change is probably beyond the imagination of others.

From the looks of Qin Mo and Qin Zhenfeng now, this time, Qin Mo was lucky and the result was good.

At least Qin Zhenfeng has recovered, and he still has the strength of a suit.

"Xiu'er, do you want to go back with me?" Qin Zhenfeng said to Qin Mo.

"Father, I'm afraid I can't go back with you, because this time, I still owe three favors!" Qin Mo shook his head and finally said.

Elder Yue rescued Qin Mo and his son three times. Although Qin Mo always advocated revenge if there is grudge, he will pay it back if there is a gratitude. Elder Yue’s favor, he will not forget, this time in Scarlet City, I’m afraid Qin Mo It is imperative.

"You owe the moon elder's favor, so you want to go to Scarlet Blood City? But Scarlet Blood City is the land of the Demon League's general alliance. In addition to the inner city of Scarlet Blood City, the entire Scarlet Blood City is a sin. City!" Qin Zhenfeng said with a sigh.

"What? Sin City?" Qin Mo's eyes immediately flashed when he heard it, not afraid, but happy.

What is in Sin City? Of course it is a sin, this is what Qin Mo wants to collect most!

"Yes, Sin City, because in it, you can do anything. As long as you have enough strength, you can even do things for the Demon League and offset your own sin. If you have the strength to fight the Demon League, you can even Don’t listen to the words of Sin City Lord."

"If you have great strength, you can still replace the original Scarlet Blood City Lord and become the new Scarlet Blood City Lord, but in this case, you must obey your orders and the leader of the Demon League!"

These are the things Qin Zhenfeng said, and they are what Qin Mo wants to know most.

Qin Mo was really a little surprised. He didn't expect it to be like this. It seems that in this Scarlet Blood City, it is quite chaotic. As long as he has the strength, he can do whatever he wants!

Qin Zhenfeng knew that Qin Mo had decided to go, so he stopped persuading him, but told Qin Mo everything he knew about Scarlet Blood City. In this way, Qin Mo should also be able to get more information. It can also make Qin Mo understand this Scarlet Blood City better, and perhaps make Qin Mo safe.

Qin Mo remembered what Qin Zhenfeng said. He nodded and said, "Father, I understand!"

"Well, now that you have decided, Dad won't stop you anymore, but you must remember that, whether for yourself or for your parents, you must come back alive!" Qin Zhenfeng said to Qin Mo.

"Father, don't worry, I haven't lived enough yet, I will definitely not die in Scarlet Blood City!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

With the strength Qin Mo possessed, although Scarlet Blood City was strong, Qin Mo was not worried at all.

"Then I can only go back by myself!" Qin Zhenfeng said.

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