I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1708: But few people can stop it

Qin Zhenfeng and Qin Mo were correct in one year, but they had not seen Queen Lingyue in 18 years!

Qin Zhenfeng was indeed talented before, but it was only that, and he was far from the Daqin imperial family!

So Qin Zhenfeng at that time had to leave the imperial city and leave Lingyue Queen, but now it is different.

Today's Qin Zhenfeng, but has the strength of the Martial Ancestor realm, not to mention the Great Qin imperial family, even the entire continent, he can come and go freely.

As for encountering opponents above the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, this kind of thing rarely happens. It is estimated that the average person will never encounter an existence of the Martial Ancestral Realm in his life, let alone a person of the second level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Zhenfeng is very eager to see Queen Lingyue.

"Father, if you need help, you can find someone from the Righteous Alliance. It is enough to report my name. I think they won't be difficult for you!" Qin Mo said.

"Don't worry, now I am no longer the original me, and now I can't be stopped by a few people!" Qin Zhenfeng smiled.

Qin Zhenfeng's injuries have recovered 50 to 60%, as long as he doesn't encounter Wuzu, no one can stop him.

Qin Mo was also relieved, and the two separated like this.

Qin Mo now accepts the parents from the bottom of his heart. First, because he has the blood of two people in his body, no matter how Qin Mo changes, he can't change this.

The second is because the love of his parents for him comes from the heart. Qin Mo is not a plant, so how can he be ruthless?

But Qin Mo didn't plan to stay in the Great Qin Kingdom. He knew he had potential enemies. Because of helping Nie Xiaoqian, Qin Mo felt that he would encounter some hostile gods and demons. The strength of these gods and demons is estimated. Will be at the Holy Land level.

If Qin Mo doesn't go to the sanctuary, he won't be able to fight back if he meets them in the future!

It is precisely because of this that Qin Mo must become a disciple of the holy courtyard during the enrollment test of the holy courtyard three months later, only in this way can he have the opportunity to contact the holy domain.

Before that, Qin Mo had to settle Elder Yue's favor. Scarlet Blood City seemed to have to go.

Qin Mo's face changed a little. After all, Qin Mo is a person with a disguise mask. It would be impossible for someone close to Qin Mo to notice his changes, so even when Li Xiu saw Qin Mo, he would Shocked.

"What happened, Lord Dugu Qiufei, how did you become like this? I almost didn't recognize you!" Li Xiu asked, looking at Qin Mo with a look of shock.

"It's nothing, I practiced under the master's school. Because of the breakthrough, I changed a little!" Qin Mo replied.

Changed a bit? What is your special change?

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Li Xiu's expression changed, Nima and Qin Mo changed too much!

"Li Xiu, I heard from Master that after I became his disciple, he would give some gifts to the Long Family. I don't know what they are?" Qin Mo said again.

"We have made Long Yan, the lord of the Long Family, the lord of Tarot City, and we have also given them a lot of resources!" Li Xiu said.

After Qin Mo heard it, he nodded: "So that's it, well done!"

"Dugu seeks defeat, Young Master, if you are here now, is there something wrong?" I only heard Li Xiu ask.

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