I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1709: Robbery, male left and female right, **** stands in the middle

"There is indeed a small matter!" Qin Mo said, "My master said that I am now titled Emperor Wu, and he wants me to go to Scarlet Blood City and see the leader. Maybe the leader can give me one or two status!"

As soon as Qin Mo said these words, Qin Mo was stunned on the spot. Has Qin Mo become the titled Martial Emperor so soon? This kind of progress is too fast, right?

Qin Mo is now the titled Emperor Wu, how high will his future achievements be?

Thinking of this, Li Xiu immediately said to Qin Mo: "This is really great, Master Dugu, I will arrange for you to teleport to Scarlet Blood City now!"

Li Xiu's attitude towards Qin Mo became more respectful. Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he hoped that Qin Mo could support him once in the future.

As for the evil ancestor, Qin Mo didn't mention it, and Li Xiu didn't dare to ask more.

Who is the evil ancestor? That's a moody person, who dares to ask him about it? If this evil ancestor was angered, the consequences would be unimaginable!

If the evil ancestor killed someone in a rage, even the leader of the Demon League would not be able to punish him. Those who died would be dead in vain.

Qin Mo was very satisfied with Li Xiu's work. He said, "Li Xiu, you have done a good job. If there is anything to do in the future, you report my name and I will help you!"

"Thank you Young Master Dugu!" Li Xiu was very happy, but he was quite proud of his bright eyes.

After Qin Mo followed Li Xiu to a city, he walked into the teleportation formation. This time the teleportation formation did not directly teleport to the Scarlet Blood City, because the Scarlet Blood City does not have a direct teleportation formation. To enter the Scarlet Blood City, you must Walk in by yourself.

Yes, I can't fly, I can only walk in, and there is no guard under the wall of Scarlet Blood City, but here, there seems to be some powerful warriors, I don't know what they are waiting for, when I see Qin Mo coming by alone, Their eyes are glowing.

Someone finally came!

These people have waited a long time for other outsiders to come!

Scarlet Blood City, if there is no protection from the Demon League, it is very dangerous.

Especially those with female family members and goods, if they want to sell items in Scarlet City, or do other things, they must have the mark of the Demon League, only in this way can they be protected by the Demon League.

If it hadn't, in Scarlet Blood City, it was like a sheep entering a wolf pack, and it was likely to be eaten to the extent that only bones were left.

However, the Demon League is also very dark-hearted. If you want to be protected by them, or if you want to have their logo, you must divide the profits of the Demon League by 30%.

Even so, in this demon league, it can still make a lot of money.

However, there are very few people like Qin Mo who come alone. Such people are either powerful people who rely on their own strength and don't worry about the chaos of Scarlet Blood City.

The other kind is fools, people who don't know anything about Scarlet Blood City, these people are generally very easy to die in Scarlet Blood City!

Obviously, Qin Mo is so young, it is impossible to be the former, and it can only be the latter!

Qin Mo came from a distance and found that the Scarlet Blood City was quite surprising to him. This city would be called the City of Sin. How evil is it?

Qin Mo had just walked under the gate of this Scarlet Blood City, only to see that there were no soldiers defending here, and here were a few men with different appearances, these men were not too old. He should be in his thirties, possessing the strength of the fifth or sixth level of the Wudi Realm.

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