I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1782: I am also a person with martial arts

Tang Qing's face changed slightly. Under such an attack, even she couldn't cope with it. Can Qin Mo resist it?

With a sneer on Qin Mo's face, he said, "Your strength is good, but unfortunately, you met the wrong opponent!"

Qin Mo's palm was raised, only to see a strange mark in the heart of his palm. The pattern of that mark was quite strange, and everyone had never seen it, but these flame attacks fell before Qin Mo's palm. All disappeared in an instant!

In the palm of Qin Mo's palm, that is the mark of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire Art. With this mark, Qin Mo can withstand all these flame attacks. It is precisely because of this that Qin Mo said that these people have found the wrong opponent!

These flames did not hurt Qin Mo, but in front of Qin Mo, there was a huge fire bull, and Qin Mo's fist blasted out in front of him.

When the huge fire cow measuring fifty or sixty feet slammed into Qin Mo, Qin Mo's fist also touched its head.

In the next instant, the fire bull exploded and shattered, and this martial soul was blasted to pieces by Qin Mo's punch.

So strong!

The power of this punch was even more terrifying than the three martial emperors in front of Qin Mo thought. They believed Qin Mo's words, not arrogant, but really powerful!

Qin Mo retracted his fist, he put his hands on his back, and said lightly: "This young master has already said that the three of you are not my opponents!"

Qin Mo regretted it a bit, and he shouldn't have driven those people away. Otherwise, there are still people watching him pretend to be forced, and now they are all gone, it feels like the pretending value is less than half! I regret it!

Qin Mo didn't stare at the three of them this time, because Qin Mo knew that even if he stared at them with his eyes, he wouldn't be shocked, so he might as well just shoot!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully deterring Emperor Wu with his strength and collecting 100,000 deterrent points!"


It's better to deal with these Emperor Wu. As long as they are shocked, they can get a shock value of 100,000. Coupled with these three days of hard work, Qin Mo's shock value has reached 3.3 million.

These martial emperors, no blood is stained on their hands, Qin Mo will get a lot of sin value when killing them. Now Qin Mo has collected nearly 8 million sin value, it seems that the sin treasure chest will be soon If it can be done, the children who were killed in the Yunlang Sect can also be resurrected.

Although the three Martial Emperors in front of him were shocked by Qin Mo, they did not stop.

"Go all out, don't give him a chance!" Flame Demon said.

"Okay!" The other two Emperor Wu immediately let the spirit possess, and the flame demon was in the spirit.

Emperor Wu Tianyan had a giant hammer in his hand, and a layer of flame appeared on the hammer, knocking it down at Qin Mo, and the fire ox appeared again. This time, it seemed that it was stomping on the ground, and the animal power hit Qin Mo.

The Flame Demon blasted both hands at the same time, and the flame formed two huge fists, blasting in front of Qin Mo.

"You are not the only ones with martial arts!" Qin Mo said lightly, "I am also a person with martial arts!"

Behind Qin Mo, a huge figure suddenly appeared. It was a huge figure of hundreds of feet. The appearance of this giant immediately changed the expressions of these three invincible emperors.

What kind of spirit is this? They haven't seen it before. The most important thing is that this Martial Spirit is so strong that they can't believe it!

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