I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1783: This is the first one!

It is also a heavenly martial soul, but the martial soul in front of Qin Mo is much more powerful than their martial soul!

Emperor Yan has appeared again!

As soon as Yan Emperor Martial Soul shot, the palm of his hand had already caught Tian Yan Wu Emperor. Tian Yan Wu Emperor couldn't see how the Yan Emperor in front of him made the shot. He felt his body tighten, and that palm had already been caught. He squeezed his body and pinched him on the palm of his hand.

"No, let go of me--" Tianyan Wudi panicked, he wanted to struggle, but this is the palm of a giant, how can he break free so easily?

On this day, Emperor Yan Wu was full of flames, but he couldn't hurt Emperor Yan at all.

"This is the first one!" Qin Mo said lightly. When Emperor Yan's palm was hard, he only saw Emperor Wudi Tianyan's body squeezed.

Both treasure chests fell into Qin Mo's receiving ring.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the crystal treasure chest!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Red Lotus Karma Fire!"

"Wh...what?" Flame Demon panicked, his face turned pale.

Emperor Tianyan Wu's strength will not be much weaker than him, but now in the palm of Emperor Yan, he can't get rid of it at all, he was pinched to death?

Tang Qing's little hand covered her lips. This is too powerful. Qin Mo's Yan Emperor Martial Spirit, she had seen before, but now the Yan Emperor's power is much stronger than before. What's the matter?

Could it be that Qin Mo's martial soul has grown to this point? This is also growing too fast!

The huge fire ox had already rushed to Qin Mo's front, but compared with Yan Emperor, this fire ox was nothing at all, because Yan Emperor's body was even bigger, and Yan Emperor directly covered the fire ox's head with his hand.

Emperor Wu Lihuo was shocked, it was too late for him to struggle, and Emperor Yan had already shot it to the ground with a palm.

The ground immediately sank, and immediately afterwards, Emperor Lihuo Wudi stepped down again, and this foot suddenly stepped on the fire cow, and the fire cow spirit once again dispersed!

Even the Invincible Emperor Wu, after suffering two wounds, he couldn't summon it again for a short time. Emperor Yan opened his mouth, and a mouthful of flames had already hit the Emperor Wu.

"No, don't kill me--" Lihuo Martial Spirit let out a scream, but it didn't work at all. Yan Emperor didn't hesitate at all, and the flame burned this Lihuo Martial Emperor directly to ashes.

Emperor Lihuo Wu also died?

Isn't it just a Balrog who is left now?

The Flame Demon looked at Qin Mo as if he was looking at a monster. How could Qin Mo's martial soul be so terrifying, stronger than his martial soul!

"Yan Demon, don't you want to avenge your junior brother? If that's the case, let's do it!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"No, you can't kill me! My master is a spirit sword martial ancestor, if you dare to kill me, my master will not let you go!" Flame Demon said quickly.

"Your master is Wuzu?" Qin Mo was a little surprised, he said.

"Yes, my master is Wuzu, you let me go! Please!" Flame Demon begged for mercy.

"Your master is Wuzu, so what?" Qin Mo replied, and Emperor Yan did it again.

But the Flame Demon had already made up his mind to escape at this time, and his whole person turned into a red light, and even escaped with a secret method.

Qin Mo was taken aback. He didn't expect that the Flame Demon would have this trick. He seemed to be unable to catch up.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and only saw that figure in the cloak, directly swallowing the flame demon.

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