I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1784: The open life needs no explanation!

"Who are you? Let go of me, no, don't—" Inside the cloak, the scream of the Balrog heard.

Qin Mo was very surprised. Could there be a dinosaur in this cloak, how could he hear the screams of the flame demon killing pigs, as if by dozens of sows?

This is too miserable! What's in it?

The Flame Demon is an invincible Martial Emperor! His strength is quite powerful, even if he is frightened back by Qin Mo this time, he won't be able to fight with a passerby if he has no fighting spirit!

Qin Mo was naturally a little curious about what would appear in this cloak, but he did not act recklessly. Qin Mo would still be quite concerned about this mysterious thing, and would not dare to take it easily, just in case. Are there really dozens of sows inside?

Qin Mo looked at the cloak in front of him. The cloak was huge and it was as dark as ink. Now it was enlarged a lot. When he saw it, it seemed to see the abyss, but he couldn't see what was inside.

This made Qin Mo a little surprised, and finally, the cloak did not move at this time, only to see that the Flame Demon appeared in front of Qin Mo again.

"Quack quack... I'm back again, I'm back again!" The Flame Demon laughed wildly.

"What's wrong?" Tang Qing was shocked when he saw the appearance of the flame demon. The current flame demon is completely different from before. The face of the flame demon has become pitch black and looks quite terrifying. .

And it’s not just the flame demon that turned black, but also the skin on his body. Qin Mo saw that the flame demon had changed from a yellow person to a black man. His skin became dark, and his face Also became savage.

"Who are you?" Qin Mo asked suddenly.

Who the **** is it? Isn't he the Balrog? Tang Qing was taken aback when she heard Qin Mo's words.

"Quack...you should know who I am? I'm not a human being, but I need to use your body!" The voice of the flame demon came, obviously different from the voice of the original flame demon. It is not wrong to think, this person, I am afraid it is not a Balrog.

Was it taken away?

Qin Mo looked at the flame demon with a hint of pity: "I didn't expect the flame demon to be so useless, it would be taken away by the fire!"

"Human, you have a secret, and you can control me to come here, but you missed one thing, that is, I can grow, as long as I swallow other strange fires, I can kill you!" Yan The demon looked at Qin Mo with a hideous look on his face.

The secret that the flame demon said was precisely that system. Qin Mo didn't know how powerful the system was, but he knew that these abnormal fires were just one of the energy controlled by the system.

The Flame Demon obviously knew this, so he didn't dare to attack the system, but it was enough to kill Qin Mo!

That's right, as long as Qin Mo is killed, he will be able to be free, possessing the ability of different fire, not to mention the holy realm, at least, under the realm of Wuzu, it can be invincible!

The Flame Demon's plan was good, but how could Qin Mo be afraid of him? Qin Mo has the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire Art, and has a system, how can he hurt Qin Mo?

"Do you think you can escape the palm of my hand?" Qin Mo said with a cold smile.

The flame demon said with disdain: "You can't catch me, I admit that you are good at now, but will you be my opponent?"

"If that's the case, let's try it!" Qin Mo said, only seeing his finger across, a sword light appeared in front of him, and this light instantly slashed towards the Flame Demon.

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